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Q: Who would win a fight lion or polar bear?
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Who would win in a fight a polar bear or lion?

It would depend on various factors such as size, strength, and fighting techniques. Generally, a polar bear would have the advantage due to its larger size and strength.

What is stronger lion or a polar bear?

A lion is smaller than a polar bear and the polar bear has a height and weight advantage, so a polar bear is stronger.

Are polar bear lions real?

There is no such animal as a polar bear lion.

Who would win in a fight between an ox a tiger a lion and a polar bear?

With 4 animals put into a large fight, it is hard to say. An ox has great strength and thick muscles that are good at defending themselves, including their sharp horns and hooves. A lion is a better fighter than a tiger since it has thicker claws and a more resistant body, despite that the tiger has a heavier weight and is stronger. The polar bear is the largest animal on land, and is very capable of killing creatures larger than its size. The ox could be wounded by the tiger or the lion since tigers have abilities to bite on the throat, while lions have capablities of fighting dangerous creatures. Either the tiger or the lion would kill the injured ox. This leaves us to the polar bear, the lion, and the tiger. Even if the lion is a better fighter, the tiger is still quite capable of killing it by knocking it down to death, but could suffer injuries. The polar bear could kill the lion with one swipe of the sharp claws. Since polar bears are stronger, it could probably kill the tiger or at least injure it to death. Overall, the polar bear would win the fight.

Who would win a fight African Lion or a hyena the size of a grizzly bear?

In this hypothetical scenario, the hyena, being the size of a grizzly bear, would likely have the advantage due to its larger size and strength. It would have a better chance against the African Lion in a fight.

Related questions

Who would win in a fight betwee a polar bear and a lion?

a lion mostly

Would a polar bear win a fight against a lion?

Yes, because a polar bear is bigger than the lion. But the lion can also kill a polar bear because a lion has a much stronger jaw than a polar bear.

Who would win lion or polar bear?

The lion would be killed. A polar bear would be enormous and powerful. One swipe of paw can shatter the lion's skull.

Who would win a polar bear or a piranha?

the bear they are a lot strongerThat depends on what type of bear it is. A black bear would lose, but grizzly's stand more of a chance. However, it is possible for a lion to beat a grizzly. When lions fight, their target is the throat and legs. Breaking the air pipe would suffocate the bear, and damaging It's legs would leave it on the ground, where the lion would kill it. But if the lion attempted that, the bear may kill the lion first.A kodiak bear, grizzly bear, or polar bear could kill a lion, but a lion could kill a black bear.Another AnswerA lion can kill any type of bear because a lion has powerful biting force and great fighting skills.

Who would win in a fight a polar bear or lion?

It would depend on various factors such as size, strength, and fighting techniques. Generally, a polar bear would have the advantage due to its larger size and strength.

Can a barbary lion kill a polar bear?

The polar bear has a weight advantage over the biggest lion. The biggest lion is as long as a polar bear and as tall as a ladder. Even if the polar bear and the biggest lion met and fought, the lion may win, but would get seriously injured.

What is stronger lion or a polar bear?

A lion is smaller than a polar bear and the polar bear has a height and weight advantage, so a polar bear is stronger.

Who would win a fight an atlas bear or a lion?

The atlas bear would win.

Are polar bear lions real?

There is no such animal as a polar bear lion.

Lion and bear which is stronger?

In general, a lion is considered stronger than a bear. Lions are apex predators and have strong, muscular bodies designed for hunting. Bears are also powerful animals, but lions are known for their speed, agility, and ability to work cooperatively in prides, giving them an advantage in strength.

Who would win a fight a black bear or a lion?

It depends on who is bigger. If the black bear happened to kill the lion, the black bear would get badly injured.

Can a lion win a fight against a polar bear?

No, because lions live in parts of Africa and Asia and polar bears live in the Arctic.