A crocodile and a bull moose would never meet in the wild, but even if they did fight, either may win. A saltwater crocodile would beat a bull moose in water because of its 2000 pounded weight, sharp tough skin, and enormous size with the jaws. If they fought on land, the bull moose could trample the saltwater crocodile to death, but the saltwater crocodile might be too heavy and too big for the bull moose to kill. Even though the bull moose on the rut can kill a grizzly bear or a brown bear, the saltwater crocodile could drag an alive polar bear to the water and drown it! Saltwater crocodiles are like the strongest creatures on land and water!
Moose and crocodiles do not meet each other, but if they did, it might. Yes, if the bull moose is fighting the crocodile on land and the crocodile is not that large.
A male crocodile is called a bull.
On land, a bull can easily kill a crocodile if the crocodile is not too large. With those sharp horns and powerful hooves, a bull is very capable of trampling a crocodile to death. Large crocodiles can maim a bull by biting the legs, flank, belly or brisket, but normally wouldn't be able to kill a bull if on land. It may have a better chance to kill if the bull is too weak or wounded to put up much of a fight. However, even so, normally crocodiles that are caught on land would attempt to bite then make a get-away to the water if the bull is insistent in killing the large reptile. But a bull wouldn't have a chance if it was in the water with a crocodile, nor even with more than one crocodiles hungry for some fresh bull-meat.
A male moose is called a bull moose.
The correct name for female moose is a COW, the male is called a BULL and the young moose is called a CALF.
Moose and crocodiles do not meet each other, but if they did, it might. Yes, if the bull moose is fighting the crocodile on land and the crocodile is not that large.
A bull will win because mooses are weak very weak
a mountain lion of coarse
That all depends on the sex, age, reproductive and health status of the moose, and the age, health of the bull as well as whether he's got horns or not. If the bull has no horns and the bull moose does (as a result of being involved in the rutting season), then the moose would win. Cow moose with calves versus polled bull, cow moose may win by driving off the bull with her flailing hooves. If she's in heat....well that's a different story. Now what if the bull does have horns? The fight would turn out a little differently, especially when a rutting bull moose is set to do battle against a horned bull. Bulls' heads are set lower to the ground than the moose and consequently may gore the moose with his horns. The bull may not be able to do this if the moose meets him full-on and they start a head-butting match. But, since a bull is often quite a bit heavier, more muscular and larger-boned than a moose, the bull would be able to push the moose around enough to make it give up and move off in defeat. If a bull moose may get its antlers at the belly of the bull, it could do a bit of damage, but probably not enough to kill him.
The question depends on the quantity and strength of the wolves, and the strength and health of the bull moose. Usually, a pack of wolves (5 or more wolves) would attack and kill a young moose or an injured moose that is too weak to fight any longer. Wolves always look for weak animals for them to kill, like an injured moose. Even if the wolves attack a healthy, strong moose, the wolves would win but they would get some members injured. Bull moose can sometimes drive off a pack of wolves if they are large and the wolves were not eager to fight down it. But bull moose can also kill or fend off a pack of wolves if they were strong and healthy enough to do so. Bull moose are pretty aggressive and powerful enough to kill grizzly bears or brown bears, which makes them quite dangerous enough to fight off a pack of wolves. Ten or eleven strong wolves are enough to bring down a healthy, strong rutting bull moose if they avoid the moose's hooves/antlers, and gave painful bites to the hamstrings.
The moose, especially if the moose is a bull moose on the rut, would knock out the two men easily if the two men do not run away fast. Moose are standing quite taller than a human and can even send a grizzly bear flying. Even if the two men had knives or clubs, the moose (if the moose was a bull moose) would gore the two men with its large antlers to death and tear them out.
No bear would dare mess with, let alone kill a bull moose on the rut.
A male crocodile is called a bull.
A crocodile will not last long under water since it will have to go to the surface to get some air...A bull shark doesnt need to go to the surface to get air.The fight will not take long since the crocodile will most likely try to go to the surface and get some air the crocodile attack would be ferocious but limited the bull shark all it has to do is bite and hold onto the crocodile until it drowns it.
On land, a bull can easily kill a crocodile if the crocodile is not too large. With those sharp horns and powerful hooves, a bull is very capable of trampling a crocodile to death. Large crocodiles can maim a bull by biting the legs, flank, belly or brisket, but normally wouldn't be able to kill a bull if on land. It may have a better chance to kill if the bull is too weak or wounded to put up much of a fight. However, even so, normally crocodiles that are caught on land would attempt to bite then make a get-away to the water if the bull is insistent in killing the large reptile. But a bull wouldn't have a chance if it was in the water with a crocodile, nor even with more than one crocodiles hungry for some fresh bull-meat.
The Bull Moose After Party was created in 2005.