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i dunno, who cares who the first person to get nits is. i guess they just come, when you lie on the floor all these bugs go into your hair and they itch :)(:

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8mo ago

It is difficult to determine the exact first person to get nits, as head lice have been a common issue in human history. Nits have likely been affecting humans for thousands of years, with evidence of infestations found in ancient civilizations.

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Related questions

Are nits contagious?

Yes, but if you get near to the person who has them.

How far away do you have to be if someone in your class has nits?

If someone in your class has nits, you do not have to stay far away from them. The fact is, even if you are sat right beside someone who has nits, you might not get them off that person. Nits don't jump, so unless your heads are right next to each other, as they would be if you were whispering something to them, it is unlikely that they will pass nits on to you.

If a person only has lice and no eggs or nits what is the estimation of time the person has had lice?

A short time.

What are bad about nits?

they suck your blood and the most dangerous nits out of all are the red nits

Where can nits live?

nits come from Mexico

Can boys get nits?

Oh yes, they can get nits or head lice in their hair just as much as girls can. They are catching from person to person by touch. An insecticidal treatment is needed to clear the hair of the insects. It is best if the whole family treat themselves at the same time so they cannot escape. If a child gets nits they should stay at home from school until the scalp is clear.

What do nits usually grow into?

Nits grow into lice

Are brown nits dangerous?

Normally the brown nits are the dead nits, and the white nits are the alive one. I don't see the brown ones to be dangerous but I would still remove them. I found that vinger helps remove the nits dead or alive.

Who invented nits?

There is no specific person credited with "inventing" nits, as they are simply the eggs of lice that have been around for centuries. Nits have evolved as part of the life cycle of lice, which have been parasitizing humans for thousands of years.

Can you get nits from fleas?

no you cant get nits from fleas, they are a whole different thing.

Are lice and nits different?

no because im not a nerd i'm the coolest person in the world because i'm awesome

Can nits transfer hepatitis C?

No, nits cannot transfer hepatitis C.