They r called Animals.
To make homemade treats for outdoor animals, you can combine ingredients like oats, seeds, dried fruits, and nuts into a ball or bar shape. You can also include ingredients like peanut butter or honey as a binding agent. Place the treats in feeding stations or bird feeders for the animals to enjoy. Avoid using ingredients that may be harmful to the animals, like chocolate or caffeine.
Animals that hatch from eggs are called oviparous animals.
A group of animals called a siege refers to a group of herons.
Animals that eat both plants and animals are called: Omnivores Animals that only eat meat are called: Carnivores Animals that only eat plants are called: Herbivores
A doctor who treats animals is called a Veterinarian or a Veterinary Doctor
Veterinarian is a medical term for someone who treats the diseases of animals.
A veterinarian who treats all types of animals is called a general or mixed animal veterinarian. They are trained to provide medical care to a wide range of animals including small animals (dogs, cats), large animals (horses, cows), exotic pets, and sometimes even wildlife.
A Doctor Who treats children is called a paediatrician
I dont know the answer to the question! :(((
A licensed Veterinarian, ( Vet for short, but not to be confused with "Vet" meaning a Veteran of military service.
Such a person, who just treats feet, is a Chiropodist.
Take it to a vet that treats large animals.
They help you to get more Treats and animals ,settings and and habitats
A veterinarian-A qualified person who treats diseased or injured animals.