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Q: Who lamark drawin?
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Who believed if an individual uses a trait more it gets bigger lamark or Darwin?

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck believed that if an individual uses a trait more frequently, it will become more developed and prominent in subsequent generations. Charles Darwin, on the other hand, proposed that favorable traits are naturally selected for in a population over time through the process of natural selection.

What ideas about evolution did Lamark propse?

Two main concepts. The concept of acquired characteristics where a characteristic, such as developed muscles, could be passed on to progeny. Refuted. Also the concept that organisms have a innate " desire " to evolve in certain directions. Also refuted.

What question did both Lamarck and Darwin try to answer with their theories of evolution?

What is the mechanism that causes evolution. Both knew evolution occurred and occurs but did not know how or why. Lamark's " desire to evolve " and " acquired characteristics " failed to explain evolution. Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection was the better explanation.

What important controbutions did Charles Darwin make?

Charles Darwin is best known for his theory of evolution by natural selection, which revolutionized our understanding of how species change over time. His work laid the foundation for modern biology and provided a unifying principle to explain the diversity of life on Earth. Darwin's contributions continue to influence scientific research and our understanding of the natural world.

What are Lamarck's three theories and assumptions?

Lamarck's three theories were the inheritance of acquired characteristics, the use and disuse theory, and the theory of adaptation. His assumptions included the belief that organisms could pass on traits they acquired in their lifetime to their offspring, that these traits were a result of their environment, and that organisms could change over time in response to their environment.

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What organisms did lamark use to support his explanation?

The giraffe is commonly thought to be the organism Lamark used to illustrate his idea.

Drawin felt that evolution was the result of a process he termed?

Natural selection.

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Try nurmich arms

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What are the some example of lamark's theory?

He had a theory about giraffes and their necks

Who created the word biology in 1805?

Jean-baptiste Lamark

What are the preparations done for CET in commercial arts?

there r 3 subjects-object drawin,memory drawin n design.u basically hv 2 prepare 4 these subjects......there r some classes 4 dis also.

Who proposed that all organisms evolved toward perfection and complexity?
