

Who is stronger a wolf or a hyena?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: Who is stronger a wolf or a hyena?
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What will win a wolf or hyena?

a wolf is most likely to win because thay are stronger although a hyena is strong to

Who would win Wolf vs hyena in a fight?


Who would win hyena or wolf?

a wolf because they fight in packs where as the hyneas are scavengers

Which is stronger a spotted hyena and gray wolf?

A gray wolf would be stronger. The reason behind this is that hyenas are not animals that often attack directly their preys. They tend to attack weaker animals or eat the already dead ones and they never attack alone because they get scared very easily Wolfs on the other hand are taller and hyenas get scared if something is higher than them. They run faster and definitely have stronger jaws, and most importantly don't get scared so easily. So a gray wolf would be stronger

Who will win alpha wolf vs hyena?

Good question. Despite what some people here seem to think, both are skilled pack hunters. Hyenas are not mere scavengers - they are powerful predators capable of taking down large and dangerous prey like wildebeest and even buffalo in the case of the spotted hyena. They are certainly not cowardly. Grey wolves also take on large and dangerous prey, such as moose, and like hyenas, they do so in groups. A lone wolf would be suicidal to attack a moose - it can weigh ten times what a single wolf does. There are three species of wolf and three species of hyena, which means the outcome of a fight would depend largely on which species you are referring to. The grey wolf can weigh up to 175 pounds, the red wolf up to 90, and the Ethiopian wolf up to 40. The spotted hyena usually weighs around 155 pounds, though there are reports of large females weighing up to 200. Striped hyenas weigh up to 88 pounds, and brown hyenas 105 pounds. I would put money on any species of hyena to defeat a red wolf or Ethiopian wolf - all three hyena species have bone-crushing jaws that could snap the wolf's neck in a single bite, and though the red wolf approaches the striped and brown hyena in weight, it is less muscular and most likely not as strong. A grey wolf would most likely win against a striped or brown hyena, since it is generally larger and therefore probably stronger. It is also quicker and more agile, meaning it could avoid the hyena's bone-crunching bite. A fight between a grey wolf and a spotted hyena could go either way, depending on the individuals involved. Since both reach similar weights they are probably around the same strength, and each has its advantages - the wolf has speed and agility, the hyena has its powerful jaws. It would depend on the age, size, sex, health, experience and so on of the particular wolf and hyena involved.

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Who would win in a fight a gray wolf or hYENA?

If you mean a african hyana and Gray wolf ,Hyena is stronger .

What will win a wolf or hyena?

a wolf is most likely to win because thay are stronger although a hyena is strong to

Hyena or wolf bites the hardest?

Hyenas have a stronger jaw.

Which is stronger a striped hyena or a gray wolf?

A gray wolf is stronger because it out weighs the hyena and is mored skilled than a striped hyena, not to say that a striped hyena is just a weak scavenger like most people say. Think about it like this, if a striped hyena is attacked by a large dog it will feign death, if a wolf is attacked by a dog, it will kill it, even the most powerful dogs. A more equal fight would be a gray wolf vs spotted hyena.

Who would win in a fight between a wildebeest and a wolf?

A wildebeest has a stronger, heavier body with hooves and horns that can knock out the wolf if the wolf attacked. Also, a wildebeest can kill a hyena if it can kill a wolf.

Who would win in a fight between hyena and a wolf?

In a battle between a hyena and a wolf your answer is a wolf

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Is a wolf bigger than a hyena?

ACCORDING TO WIKIPEDIA: Hyena - 95 - 160 cm Wolf- 118 - 180 cm Wolf

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It depends. If it is a gray wolf, then a wolf would win. But if it is a smaller type of wolf, then a hyena might win.

Who would win Wolf vs hyena in a fight?


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the black hyena is stronger than the fox. lol now you know:D

Which has stronger jaw hyena or crocodile?

Salties tend to have a stronger bite force than a hyena, and possibly the Niles as well. But a hyena would probably have a stronger bite force than a smaller croc.