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Castration of bull calves and other animals has been practiced for thousands of years. The people who performed it first are unknown.

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2mo ago

It is difficult to attribute the invention of castration to a single individual, as the practice has been documented in various cultures and time periods for different reasons, such as punishment, religious rituals, and control of populations or behavior. It has been practiced by civilizations including the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Chinese.

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The ISBN of Castration Celebration is 9780375851252.

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Castration Celebration was created in 2009.

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Castration Celebration has 291 pages.

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Total Castration was created on 1991-09-08.

What are the material that are use to castration in the pigs?

A sharp knife is used in the castration of pigs. Once castration is done, you will need to close up by suturing the incision.

What is the difference between castration and circumsion?

Castration is ermoval of the testes. Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin.

Definition of castration in farm animal?

Castration is the removal of the testes (also called testicles).

When was Public Castration Is a Good Idea created?

Public Castration Is a Good Idea was created in 1986.

What is another term for male castration?

Emasculation is another word that is sometimes used for castration of a male.

What are the methods of castration?

There are three main methods to castration. These are: banding, cutting, and pinching. Each method has their own advantages and disadvantages.

Can females be chemically castrated?

Yes, females can be chemically castrated. Chemical castration is castration by way of drugs.

What is chemical castration?

Chemical castration is the use of medicine designed to reduce desire for sexual activity. Chemical castration is used mostly in the treatment of sex offenders, in the hopes that the reduced desire for sexual activity will prevent them from further committing crimes. There is no actual castration; hence the name is a misnomer.