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Lions hunt alone as a family pride. At a kill, hyenas (if they outnumber the lions) might, by weight of numbers, force the lions to retreat and leave the kill to the hyenas.

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Q: Who hunts with pride of lions?
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What hunts an elephant?

People and sometimes a pride of lions.

Do both lions and tigers hunt in packs?

the tiger hunts alone and the lion hunts with it's pride.

Who hunts more male or female lions?

the female lion hunts more than the male. because the female hunts 97% of the time. and the male lion hunts 3% of the time and stays behind to keep watch of the pride

What hunts the elephant?

Humans, and significantly large prides of lions. Tigers sometimes hunt unguarded calves. There is also a well known pride of lions, called the Savuti Pride in Botswana, who have adapted, and now specialise in hunting elephant.

What is the colective noun for lions?

A group of lions are called a PrideA group of lions is called a pride.

How do lions survive in autumn?

Lions are pack and prey animals. In a pride of lions the male lion rules and protects the female lions from threats. However, the female lioness is responsible for killing and feeding the pride. This structure provides stability and safety for the pride.

What is a large number of lions called?

A group of Lions are known as a Pride of Lions

Is a group of lions a pride?

It is a pride of lions. Or a herd of cattle.

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What is a number of lions called?

A group of lions is called a pride. Pride consists of related females, their offspring, and a small number of adult males.

Who mostly hunts the female lion or male lion?

The female lionesses of the pride do the bulk of the hunting. Male lions duties mostly involve protecting the pride and fathering cubs. However, in cases where the pride is trying to bring down a large prey like a Giraffe or a Cape Buffalo, male lions too involve in the hunt.

How would you finish this sentence a pride of?

Lions. A pride of lions.