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the lions natural enemie is humans,plants,and lack of food and water

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Q: Who are the lion's natural enemies?
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Who are the ennemies of the lion?

The lion is on top of the food chain. It is an apex predator and preys on all mammals and herbivores that live in the forest. Male Elephants have been known to kill Lions when in Musth but apart from this, Lions have no natural enemies that can kill them. Humans are probably the biggest enemies of the lion.

Who are the lions enimes?

Lions have several enemies, including hyenas, leopards, and other lions. Additionally, humans pose a significant threat to lions through habitat destruction, poaching, and conflict with livestock.

Who are the horses enemies?

Horses have several natural enemies, including predators such as wolves, mountain lions, and bears. They may also face threats from human activities, such as habitat destruction, hunting, and competition for resources. Additionally, horses can be susceptible to diseases transmitted by other animals or through environmental factors.

Does a lion have enemies?

Yes, lions have enemies in the wild. Their main enemies are other carnivores such as hyenas, leopards, and crocodiles who compete with them for food and territory. Additionally, humans also pose a threat to lions through habitat destruction, poaching, and conflicts.

Where is the lion in the food chain?

The lion is on top of the food chain. It is an apex predator and preys on all mammals and herbivores that live in the forest. Male Elephants have been known to kill Lions when in Musth but apart from this, Lions have no natural enemies that can kill them. Humans are probably the biggest enemies of the lion.

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Hyenas and Lions often chase the Cheetah away from its food.

What are the lion's natural enemies?

The hyena. Frequently, lone adult lions are killed by packs of hyena's.

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Other lions could possibly be a preditor and other big cats too!

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Black leopards enemies are lions and hyenas. Black leopards enemies are lions and hyenas.

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My definition, a domesticated animal doesn't have any natural enemies, but in general, a horse's natural enemies include wolves and large cats such as panthers and mountain lions. Alligators and coyotes also may kill and eat horses.

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