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Q: Which scientists developed ideas about natural selection at the same time as Darwin?
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What scientists developed idea about natural selection at the same time as Darwin?

Alfred Wallace

Who developed a theory of evolution by natural selection that is accepted by most scientists today?

Charles Robert Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace first purposed the theory of evolution by natural selection, but the theory accepted by most scientists today has been modified a bit since Darwin and Wallace's day.

What ideas did Charles Darwin Developed?

natural selection, evoloution

Who is the founder and co-founder of Darwin's theory natural selection?

The founder of the theory of natural selection is Charles Darwin. Alfred Russel Wallace independently developed a similar theory of natural selection around the same time as Darwin, leading to both scientists presenting their work together in a joint paper in 1858.

Who developed ideas of natural selection the same time as Darwin?

Alfred Russel Wallace independently developed ideas of natural selection around the same time as Charles Darwin. In 1858, both Wallace and Darwin jointly presented their findings on evolution and natural selection, leading to the publication of Darwin's "On the Origin of Species" in 1859.

What do Charles Darwin have to do with evolution?

he developed the theory of evolution by natural selection.

Who developed the ideas that became known as the theory of evolution by natural selection?

The answer is: Darwin

What Darwin greatest contribution to evolutionary theory?

he developed the idea of natural selection

What scientists contributed to evolutionary theory the study of natural selection?


What is scientists contributed to evolutionary theory through the study of natural selection?

Charles Darwin

What scientist developed ideas for natural selection at the same time as Darwin?

Alfred Russel Wallace independently developed the theory of natural selection around the same time as Charles Darwin. In 1858, both Darwin and Wallace presented their work on natural selection to the Linnean Society of London. Their ideas greatly influenced the development of modern evolutionary theory.

What scientist developed ideas about natural selection the same time as Darwin's?

Alfred Wallace