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small dogs

edit: i grew up with big dogs but i also like small dogs so both.

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7mo ago

Small dogs tend to be better with little kids as they are closer in size and less likely to accidentally knock them over. However, a dog's temperament and training are more important factors than size when it comes to interacting with children.

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13y ago

rotwhilers and German shepards

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Q: Which one likes little kids more big or small dogs?
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Are affenpinchers good dogs for kids?

The Affenpinscher is a good family dog, but do best with older children. In general small dogs are not often recommended for households with children.

29 kids 20 have dogs 15 have cats how many have both?

The number of kids who have both dogs and cats can be calculated by adding the number of kids with dogs (20) to the number of kids with cats (15), then subtracting the total number of kids (29) from that sum. Therefore, 6 kids have both dogs and cats.

Why do smaller dogs bark louder than bigger dogs?

Smaller dogs may appear louder because their vocal cords are proportionally shorter, resulting in higher-pitched barks that carry more effectively. Additionally, smaller breeds may have been bred to be more vocal or to alert their owners to potential threats. Size does not necessarily dictate the volume of a dog's bark, but smaller dogs may seem louder due to their pitch and intensity.

Small dogs that are good with kids?

Some small dog breeds that are known to be good with kids include Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Beagles, and French Bulldogs. These breeds are typically friendly, gentle, and playful, making them great companions for children. It's important to supervise interactions between small dogs and children to ensure the safety and well-being of both.

What is a cuddly toy dog popular with kids?

I have a chiuaua/shih tzu mix and he is calm, kind, and cuddly. Babies have pulled his hair, stick their fingers in his mouth and he just pushes them out with his tongue. He doesn't bite at all.... he would love to sit on your lap all day. He is a bit over wt at 11lbs... he should be about 9.... but he looks cute chubby... not a huge fan of other dogs though... but VERY VERY loyal cuddly dog....

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Which are better with little kids - cats or dogs?

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