The prehistoric ancestor of the dog tribe was a small mink-like animal, with a long body and short legs, which lived about 40 million years ago where there were three-toed horses no bigger than a sheep.
Wolves eat lynxes. Wolves are bigger than lynxes. But lynxes makes no part of the wolves' menu.
In general, wolves are faster than domestic dogs. Wolves have longer legs, lighter bodies, and more muscle mass than most domestic dog breeds, which allow them to run faster and cover more ground. Furthermore, wolves are built for long-distance endurance running, while most domestic dogs are bred for other purposes such as companionship or hunting.
Not always. Domesticated animals can vary in size compared to their wild ancestors depending on the selective breeding that has occurred. In some cases, domesticated animals may be larger than their wild ancestors (e.g. dogs), while in other cases they may be smaller (e.g. pigs).
Dogs and wolves are both part of the same family
Most wolves do.
The prehistoric ancestor of the dog tribe was a small mink-like animal, with a long body and short legs, which lived about 40 million years ago where there were three-toed horses no bigger than a sheep.
Yes technically wolves have longer tails than dogs. But sometimes dogs can have the same length of tails.
Wolves howl, dogs bark Wolves are generally taller than dogs Wolves live in packs in the wild, dogs live by themselves Wolves are more intelligent than dogs, but are also more aggressive towards humans. Wolves hunt for prey, dogs usually eat leftovers and are not much of hunters of live prey. Wolves and dogs can interbreed. The German Shepherd is one of the best examples of a wonderful house dog that can be trained to be a guardian dog, has the fierceness of a wolf, and the gentleness/faithfulness of a dog.
Wolves eat lynxes. Wolves are bigger than lynxes. But lynxes makes no part of the wolves' menu.
Wolves eat lynxes. Wolves are bigger than lynxes. But lynxes makes no part of the wolves' menu.
Wolves tend to travel in packs rather than alone, and dogs often prefer the company of other dogs or humans rather than solitude.
No. If they're wolves, they're wolves. There's no way they'd become dogs.
Hyenas , wolves ,
dogs descend from wolves, male wolves are a type of dog
Pretty much any animal that is hungry and is bigger than it such as owls, foxes, badgers, cats, dogs, wolves, etc.
yes very smarter than a wolf