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The Mountain Bluebird

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

The dove.

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Q: Which bird is a traditional symol of love and peace?
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Which is bird is the tradition for love and peace?

A dove

Which bird is symboled love and peace?


If the bird of peace is a dove what is the bird of love?

A lovebird is a bird of love. Lovebirds are social and affectionate andare sometimes kept as pets

What does chickadee represent?

To me; peace, union, love, winter, and bird feeding birds.

What is the bird on the Woodstock poster?

Woodstock Poster Bird A Dove & Guitar Woodstock Poster was created by Arnold Skolnick

What bird symbolizes joy?

The dove symbolizes peace, love and joy. The peacock and the crane are sometimes symbols of joy.

What bird symbolize love?

The dove is a popular bird that symbolizes love and peace. Known for their gentle nature and monogamous relationships, doves often represent love in various cultures and traditions. Additionally, swans are also commonly associated with love and fidelity due to their graceful appearance and devotion to their mate.

What is the for bird with love about?

People think its the bird of love.

What is the māori translation for Love and Peace?

love = aroha peace = rangimarie love and peace = aroha a rangimarie

Is the comersial peace love and GAP or peace love peace love the GAP?

I've watched the commercial many times and everyone says its "Peace love and gap" but it definatly sounds like "Peace love the gap", so im gonna say that it's "Peace love the gap"

What song is in that beer commercial that goes peace love lalalalala peace love?

its not peace love its called It's Love and its by Chris knox

Who is Alexa love bird?

her real name is kaylee love bird and i love you baby