Spiders like to live in dark places and they also tend to live in the web that it created.
the habitat or house of a spider is hard to classify but spiders can live in houses maybe holes and it also depends on what type of spider it is. ex; house spiders , garden spiders , tarantulas and etc.
The redback spider is native to Australia and is commonly found in urban areas, gardens, sheds, and outhouses. They prefer dry, dark habitats and are known to create messy webs in sheltered locations.
The female spider barely leaves it web. The male leaves its web because it doesnt live long. If youre wondering why its because after the male and female mates the female eats the male spider. Because its not much use anymore for anything. The female spider barely leaves it web. The male leaves its web because it doesnt live long. If youre wondering why its because after the male and female mates the female eats the male spider. Because its not much use anymore for anything.
The spider you are referring to is likely the black widow spider. The female black widow has a distinct red hourglass shape or white crescent on its abdomen. They are known for their venomous bite, so caution should be taken when encountering them.
If the red swollen mark at the back of your hand seems like a raised red welt and there is a spot on the middle and feels so itchy and painful, then probably it is a spider bite.
The spider you are describing is likely the black widow spider. Black widows are known for their shiny black bodies with a distinctive red hourglass shape on their underside. They can be found in Arizona and are known for their venomous bite.
It is unlikely that a red back spider can kill a daddy long leg spider, as they have different habitats and prey preferences. Red back spiders are more likely to prey on insects and other small spiders rather than daddy long legs.
Often called a zipper spider or writing spider.
Red back spiders live under rocks, in logs, under rubble and rubbish ,amoung rocks and in sheds
Usually on or near the females web
It can just be a red back spider...
the red back spider can live up to 1 year to 3
They are similar to the black widows but they do not live in north america with black widows but they live in australia
a wolf spider. they hurt but are not deadly to humans
A spider.
a red back.
It is the most deadlyest spider apart from the red back...it is its cousin...the crizone spider
A black widow spider is black with a red mark on it's abdomen; this might or might not be what you meant. The black widow sometimes has a red mark on her back, as well. The red backed spider of Australia, a relative of the black widow, has an orange red mark on the back.
The Red-back spider (Latrodectus hasselti) is commonly found in Australia. They are a small black venomous spider with long thin legs, and the females have a red stripe on their globular abdomen.
red back spider