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Herpes likes to lie dormant in the spinal coloumn.

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Q: Where does herpes stay dormant?
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When the herpes virus goes to sleep the medical term for this action is?

When the herpes virus is not active, it is dormant.

Why do some volcanoes stay dormat?

When volcanos stay dormant they are classified as extinct

Do the marijuana plants die or stay dormant when planted outside in colder regions?

They will stay dormant or in a hibernate state if temperatures and light are properly controlled.

Viral infection known as shingles?

Shingles is caused by a virus called Herpes Zoster. It is basically the result of chicken pox that has been dormant for years. It emerges years later as shingles.

Who long can a volcano stay dormant?

Volcanoes can remain dormant for hundreds to thousands of years before becoming active again. The length of dormancy varies based on the individual volcano and its geological history. Some volcanoes can stay dormant for periods longer than human recorded history.

What are fever blisters caused from?

A fever does not cause fever blisters, just like a cold doesn't cause cold sores (they are the same thing) but if infected with the Herpes Simplex I virus, a person's immune system is compromised and the virus can come out of its dormant stage. Too much sun, stress, certain foods, suppressed immune system are a few of the predisposing factors that can bring the Herpes Simplex Virus I out of its dormant stage. Remember once you have the virus, you will always have it. There is no cure.

Can a cold sore cause facial numbness?

Because the herpes virus affects nerves, and is dormant in nerves, an outbreak of any kind of herpes can cause some numbness and tingling in the area.

How many years can the HPV virus be dormant?

HPV can stay dormant for decades. Diagnosis does not give you an idea of when you were infectedd.

What is found inside a dormant bud?

Dormant buds contain small plants that have not bloomed. They may stay inactive in a bud for years at a time.

Why there is no cure to herpes of lips?

There is no cure for herpes of the lips because the virus that causes it, herpes simplex virus (HSV), remains in the body after the initial infection. The virus can become dormant and reactivate, resulting in recurring outbreaks. While antiviral medications can help manage symptoms and reduce the frequency of outbreaks, they cannot completely eliminate the virus from the body.

Virus that has ability to remain dormant?

Herpesviruses are a type of virus that can remain dormant in the host's body for extended periods. Upon reactivation, they can cause symptoms such as cold sores or genital herpes. This ability to establish latency is a key feature of herpesviruses.

The herpes pathogen can enter the body in which of the follwoing ways?

Herpes can enter the body through direct contact with an infected person's skin or mucous membranes, such as during sexual activity or kissing. It can also be spread through contact with infected bodily fluids or lesions.