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Most of them live in groups, unless they are lost.

They have occupied Africa and move a lot, so it's hard to determined "where they live".

They can live in Semi-desert conditions, but like forests and savannas. Now, any live in Game reserves or Safari Parks in Africa, where the conditions are somewhat safer than "the big outdoors".

They also live in zoos...if that's what you're looking for

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2mo ago

Most elephants in Africa live in sub-Saharan countries, particularly in savannas, forests, and grasslands. Countries like Botswana, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, and Kenya have large elephant populations due to the availability of suitable habitats and conservation efforts.

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13y ago

Elephants live in many parts of Africa, but the population of Elephants are winding down because of poaching, habitat loss, and other hurtful thing and you may not see them in some parts.

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15y ago

In and around central Africa. Kenya, Zimbabwe etc.

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12y ago

African elephants live in the soutern part of africa. They only have a certain amount of space to live as the human population is expanding so we have to move into elephant habitats.

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13y ago

The Afican elephant is found in Africa

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11y ago

It Lives In Africa.

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Q: Where do most elephants live within Africa?
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most elephants live inAfrica and for the image of the map as to where elephants live in Africa. for elephants habitat in India.http:/

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The country with the most elephants is Africa. Africa was elephant population of around 500,000 to 700,000 elephants.Source.General Knowledge

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Yes, elephants live in deserts in Africa, especially the Namib Desert.

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Well no,most elephant are from Africa but some elephants are in Indonesia but it doesn't make them from Indonesia.

Where is the most elephants?

The most elephants are found in Africa Asia and some are in India (Dont worry im a teacher and my classroom just did a report on elephants so i know)

Where do most elephants come from?

The elephant is fromtwo countries, AFRICA and ASIA. The different is that African elephants are a big larger and their skull is shaped somewhat different. Some people say African elephants ears are shaped like Africa, and Asian elephants ears are shaped like Asia.

Why do most elephants live in Africa?

Most elephants live in Africa because the continent offers a variety of habitats suitable for different elephant species, such as savannas, forests, and wetlands. Africa also provides ample food sources for elephants, including grasses, fruits, and trees. Additionally, Africa has protected areas and national parks that offer some level of security for elephants from threats such as poaching and habitat loss.