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This is both an economic and health choice. Many small operations like to keep the birds on the chick formula/grower for up to 12 weeks. With Bantams, the larger size of the grain is sometimes a problem for small beaks and crops. As most breeds will not start to lay until they are 4 months old and older it is often a good choice to start the layer pellets in the 4th month.

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7mo ago

You can introduce layers pellets to your bantams once they reach about 18-20 weeks of age, or when they are close to laying eggs. It's important to gradually mix the pellets with their current feed to allow them to adjust to the new diet. Make sure they have access to fresh water at all times.

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Are maran bantams good egg layers?

My bantam hen lays 1 egg everyother day.

What age do ducks eat layers pellets or mash?

Ducks can start eating layers pellets or mash around 18 weeks of age. It is important to provide them with the appropriate feed to ensure they receive the necessary nutrients for healthy growth and development.

How old do pekin bantams live for?

Pekin bantams typically live an average of 5-8 years, but with proper care they can live up to 10 years or more. Providing a balanced diet, good housing, and regular veterinary check-ups can help ensure a longer and healthier life for your Pekin bantams.

Do silkie bantams lay edible eggs?

Yes, silkie bantams do lay edible eggs that are similar in taste and nutritional value to standard chicken eggs. However, silkie bantam eggs are typically smaller than average chicken eggs.

Do layers pellets contain chicken?

Most of the Layer pellets I've checked do not contain any chicken. Typically they contain wheat, rice, other grains , minerals (probably to help offset the acidity of the grains) and sometimes soy or canola. Probably the worst thing about layer pellets is that many contain chemicals to color the egg yolk yellow and probably some genetically modified ingredients, particularly soy & canola. I saw a documentary program some time ago where some chickens were fed pellets that contained up to 50% chicken manure! Don't know if this is still happening but if it is, I wouldn't want to be eating anything from those chooks. Your chooks should do OK on layer pellets provided they also have plenty of clean water and vegetable scraps.

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Palmetto FC Bantams was created in 2011.

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Icey pellets that have a layered structure are called what?

Icey pellets that have a layered structure are likely hail. Hail will usually have soft ice and hard ice layers when sliced open.

My cichlids are spoiled and will only except brine shrimp and bloodworm's how do you get them to except pellets?

Introduce them to pellets make them feel like pellets are a treat like it is a luxury food and say they should try them.If when they try them and still only except pellets well i guess that is what they like there is no problem with that unless you do not want them eating that then since there spoiled make them not so spoiled so they are use to listening to you and will except pellets.

Where were bantams from originally?

They are from China/Asia.

What age do ducks eat layers pellets or mash?

Ducks can start eating layers pellets or mash around 18 weeks of age. It is important to provide them with the appropriate feed to ensure they receive the necessary nutrients for healthy growth and development.

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Can quails eat layers pellets?

Layer pellets are fine if you run out of quail feed. Millet and sunflower seed are not part of the layer pellet feed and these are preferred by quail. Wild bird food mix would also be appropriate for quail.