There are no bones or cartilage in an elephants trunk.
An elephant is a huge animal with a trunk.
The lower trunk of a pig is called the posterior region. The trunk is divided into an upper, middle, and lower region due to its size and functions.
That would be the trunk. An elephant's trunk forms the animal's nose and upper lip.
an elephant
Pandora Archive was created in 1996.
Archive Alive was created in 1997.
The Dalkey Archive was created in 1964.
Archive Fever was created in 1995.
MySQL Archive was created in 2004.
Datasheet Archive was created in 1993.
Archive Cardiacs was created in 1977.
The Simpsons Archive was created in 1994.
Boris Archive was created in 1996.
Archive - band - was created in 1994.
Bauhaus Archive was created in 1960.
Internet Archive was created in 1996.