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Half the number of chromosomes in body cells😜😘

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Q: When sex cells combine to produce offspring each sex cell contributes?
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When sex cells randomly combine during fertilization to produce offspring there is?

increase genetic diversity

When sex cells combine to produce offspring each sex cell will contribute what?

Each sex cell will contribute half of the genetic material needed to produce offspring. The egg from the female will contribute one set of chromosomes, while the sperm from the male will contribute the other set. These combined chromosomes will determine the genetic traits of the offspring.

When sex cells combine to produce offspring each sex cell what will it contrubute?

Each sex cell contributes half of the genetic material needed to create a new individual. The egg contributes the nucleus with half of the mother's genetic material, while the sperm contributes the nucleus with half of the father's genetic material. This combination of genetic material results in a unique set of genes for the offspring.

When sex cells combine to produce offspring each sex cell will contribute?

One set of chromosomes. In humans, a sperm cell from the father combines with an egg cell from the mother to create a zygote, which contains a complete set of chromosomes (half from each parent) that will develop into an offspring.

Do insects produce milk?

Yes, certain species of insects, such as ants and cockroaches, produce a substance called "insect milk." This milk-like substance is a secretion from the brood cells of the insects and is rich in nutrients like protein and fats, which are essential for the growth and development of their offspring.

Related questions

When sex cells randomly combine during fertilization to produce offspring there is?

increase genetic diversity

When sex cells combine to produce offspring each sex cell will contribute how many chromosomes?

a baby

When sex cells combine to produce offspring sex cell will contribute what?

Half the number of chromosomes in body cells😜😘

When sex cell combine to produce offspring each sex cell will contribute what.?

Half the number of chromosomes in body cells😜😘

What type of cells does the reproductive system produce?

TO PRODUCE SEX CELLS involved in the production of offspring

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When sex cells combine to produce offspring each sex cell will contribute what?

Each sex cell will contribute half of the genetic material needed to produce offspring. The egg from the female will contribute one set of chromosomes, while the sperm from the male will contribute the other set. These combined chromosomes will determine the genetic traits of the offspring.

When sex cells combine to produces offspringeach sex cell contributes what?

each sex cell contributes half the number of chromosomes. one from maternal side and other from the paternal side , the offspring gets the characters depending on which genes of the either is more dominant.

When sex cells combine to produce offspring each sex cell will contribute how many chromosomes in body cells?

Each sex cell contributes half the number of chromosomes compared to body cells during fertilization. This results in the offspring having the full set of chromosomes, one set from each parent, which is essential for normal development and growth.

Why do organisms that produce sexually not have genetically identical offspring?

Organisms that produce sexually undergo genetic recombination during the formation of gametes, leading to offspring with a combination of genetic material from both parents. This process increases genetic diversity among offspring, enhancing their adaptability to changing environments. In contrast, organisms that reproduce asexually create genetically identical offspring because they do not undergo genetic recombination.

Why must sex cells divide twice?

So they can produce healthy offspring.

What are the sex cells from each parent that combine to form a new offspring called?

The sex cells from each parent that combine to form a new offspring are called gametes. In humans, the male gamete is the sperm cell and the female gamete is the egg cell. When a sperm fertilizes an egg, it forms a zygote, which develops into a new organism.