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7mo ago

Kaytee Bees is a fictitious character created for marketing and storytelling purposes by the Kaytee brand. She does not have a birthdate as she is not a real person.

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Q: When kaytee bees was born?
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William Bees was born on 1871-09-12.

Where bees get born?

Bees are born in a honeycomb within a beehive. The queen bee lays eggs in the honeycomb cells, and the larvae hatch from these eggs. They undergo a transformation process inside the cells before emerging as adult bees.

When was Larry Bees born?

Larry Bees was born on December 2, 1932, in Eagle Rock, California, USA.

How much are guinea pig pellets?

I buy the kaytee Timothy complete pellets and they are about $8 at petco.

How are bees born?

Bees are born from eggs laid by the queen bee in the hive. Once the eggs hatch, baby bees (larvae) are fed by worker bees until they pupate and eventually emerge as adult bees. The process typically takes a few weeks for worker bees and a bit longer for drones or queen bees.

How large are bees when there born?

3-5 centimeters