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Q: When did lamarck publish his own ideas on evolution?
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How did Jean Baptiste Lamarck influence Charles Darwin?

Jean Baptiste Lamarck's idea of the inheritance of acquired characteristics, although mostly rejected today, was one of the first systematic explanations for evolution, influencing Darwin's thinking. While Darwin's theory of natural selection differed significantly from Lamarck's, Lamarck's work helped pave the way for questioning and exploring evolutionary mechanisms that ultimately led to Darwin's own theory of evolution by natural selection.

Who prompted Darwin to publish his theory of evolution?

Darwin was prompted to publish his theory of evolution by Alfred Russel Wallace. Wallace sent Darwin a manuscript outlining a similar theory of natural selection based on his own research, prompting Darwin to expedite the publication of his own work.

What is the major problem of Lamarck's theory?

The major problem with Lamarck's theory of evolution was his proposal that acquired traits could be inherited by offspring. This idea was not supported by scientific evidence and is in contrast to the mechanisms of inheritance proposed by modern genetics, where traits are primarily passed down through genetic material.

Why some people did not believe Darwins theory?

Some people may not believe in Darwin's theory of evolution due to conflicting religious beliefs, lack of understanding of the scientific evidence supporting the theory, or personal biases that prevent them from accepting new ideas. Other reasons may include misconceptions about what the theory actually proposes or misinformation spread by individuals or groups with their own agenda.

How does the process of natural selection lead to species having camouflage?

When we think of evolution, we usually think of primates evolving into humans, and of the evolutionary changes that were made over thousands and thousands of years. But the truth is evolution is at work all the time. Sometimes the changes are small and appear insignificant at first glance, but they all play a part in natural selection and the survival of the species.But natural selection doesn't lead to the development of a new species. In most cases, the process simply allows a species to better adapt to its environment by changing the genetic make up from one generation to the next. And the process is actually quite predictable. If a species lacks a certain trait that will allow it to survive, there are two options: Either the species dies out or it develops the missing trait.Most people think of biologist and naturalist Charles Darwin as the father of the theory of evolution, but the truth is that the concept of evolution is much older. Anaximander, a philosopher who lived in Ancient Greece, believed that man naturally evolved from an early animal species [source: All About Science]. And in 1809, biologist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck talked about the transformation of one species into another. But it was Darwin who introduced the concept of natural selection in the 1850s and forever changed the concept of evolution. Read on to see 10 prime examples of this theory and how each species puts its own spin on it.

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How did the ideas of scientists before Darwin influence Darwin ideas?

Scientists before Darwin, such as Lamarck and Lyell, influenced Darwin's ideas by presenting concepts like geology and the idea of species change over time. Lamarck's theory of acquired characteristics and Lyell's principles of uniformitarianism provided a basis for Darwin to develop his theory of evolution through natural selection. Darwin built upon these ideas by incorporating them into his own theory, which became the foundation of modern evolutionary biology.

How did Jean Baptiste Lamarck influence Charles Darwin?

Jean Baptiste Lamarck's idea of the inheritance of acquired characteristics, although mostly rejected today, was one of the first systematic explanations for evolution, influencing Darwin's thinking. While Darwin's theory of natural selection differed significantly from Lamarck's, Lamarck's work helped pave the way for questioning and exploring evolutionary mechanisms that ultimately led to Darwin's own theory of evolution by natural selection.

Who is the naturalist who gave Darwin the incentive to publish his ideas about evolution by writing an essay that suggested similar ideas?

The naturalist who provided the incentive for Darwin to publish his ideas about evolution was Alfred Russel Wallace. In 1858, Wallace sent Darwin an essay outlining a theory of natural selection that closely paralleled Darwin's own ideas. This prompted Darwin to finally publish his groundbreaking work "On the Origin of Species" in 1859.

Who prompted Darwin to publish his theory of evolution?

Darwin was prompted to publish his theory of evolution by Alfred Russel Wallace. Wallace sent Darwin a manuscript outlining a similar theory of natural selection based on his own research, prompting Darwin to expedite the publication of his own work.

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he wanted his readers to see their own errors in logic and morality

What are other sources aside from Charles Darwin that readers of the 1800's would have known of evolution?

Charles Darwin's own grandfather Erasmus wrote about evolutionary processes in a poem. Lamarck had his own theory of the mechanism of evolution in the early 19th century. Robert Chambers wrote a anonymous pamphlet called the Vestiges before Darwin published his theory.

What challenges did Charles Darwin face in his life?

Charles Darwin faced challenges such as opposition to his theory of evolution by natural selection, health issues that affected him throughout his life, and the pressure to publish his groundbreaking ideas in a timely manner. Additionally, he struggled with his religious beliefs and the implications of his theory on his own faith and that of society at large.

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Yes, many self-publish as shareware.

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You can get published either through traditional publishers or self-publish. "Publishing" can be as simple as making pdfs available on your own website.

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You need to invent your own names - writers who copy ideas from other people end up in trouble for plagiarism! If you copy someone's names or ideas, then when you publish your story, they could claim you stole those from them and sue you for part of your money. Click on the LINKS for ideas on naming your characters.

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You need to invent your own names - writers who copy ideas from other people end up in trouble for plagiarism! If you copy someone's names or ideas, then when you publish your story, they could claim you stole those from them and sue you for part of your money. Click on the related topic for ideas on naming your characters.

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You need to invent your own names - writers who copy ideas from other people end up in trouble for plagiarism! If you copy someone's names or ideas, then when you publish your story, they could claim you stole those from them and sue you for part of your money. Click on the related topic for ideas on naming your characters.