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Usually 24 hours but it is always best to leave them all together until all the chicks have hatched. The chicks need time to dry and fluff up. When they first emerge from the shell they are wet and weak, subject to cold temperature drops.

You need not worry about food and water for 36 hours since they still have some reserves from the yolk they developed from.

When moving them from the incubator to the brooder box, make sure the temperature is close to the temperature of the incubator, in the high 90's directly under the lamp. There should also be room in the brooder box for them to get out of the heat is they wish.

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14y ago
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16y ago

Six weeks is standard for barnyard chicks. Younger than that and the other birds may kill them. It is often best to keep the new chicks separate from the adult birds until they are fast and yard wise enough to get food and water and not get pecked. They need to be on chick starter until this point anyway and you don't want the adults to eat it all before the chicks can.

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15y ago

After the chicks are finished brooding, you should separately pen the chicks within the hen's coop to allow them to familiarize themselves with each other. After two or three weeks, allow them to go together under supervision. Gradually build up the time, until the pecking order is established. Then they can be let out full time.

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15y ago

The chicks should remain in the incubator until they are dry, fluffy and active. This allows for all the eggs to be hatched together and the siblings to be in contact. removal of each individual as they hatch will provoke aggressive behavior when they are later put together in a brooder. The heat and humidity of the incubator helps the wet chicks dry out. Do not worry about food or water for about 24/36 hours as they have all the nutrition they need to survive for that lenght of time. When they are all taken out of the incubator they should be placed together in a brooder box heated to within the same 100 degre temperature as the incubator and the heat should be adjusted down daily by about one or two degrees.

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13y ago

It is best to remove the chick within 24 hours or so after hatching, but never before they completely dry. I open my incubator once a day to remove any dried chicks. Any chicks not dried at this time get took out the next day about the same time. By doing this, the humidity stays higher. Cause every time you open the incubator the humidity will drop. This is critical for the chicks to hatch. The membrane separating the chick from the egg shell must stay moist for the chick to tear through it. If it dries up it becomes more like thin leather & the chick can't get out of the egg. To compensate for this try adding hot water to the water pan each time you open it up, it will bring the humidity back up to normal (85%-90%) sooner

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15y ago

Chicks are removed from the incubator after about 24 hours of hatch. They need to remain with their hatchmates while they dry off and fluff up. Chicks are wet when they emerge from the shell and they can get chilled and sick if they are not kept in very warm condition. Chicks do not need to eat or drink for as long as 36 hours after hatch so the best place for them in to remain in the closed incubator.

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16y ago

until they are dry. but no longer than 24hrs

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10y ago

When it can withstand the outside temperatures. Most people will not take chicks out of a brooder until they are completely feathered.

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Q: How long do you keep baby chicks in the incubator after they hatch?
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How long do chicks stay in a incubator?

They should be left in the incubator until they are dry,fluffy and active. Do not rush to remove them as opening the incubator will effect the un-hatched and still hatching eggs. This usually takes up to 36 hours and the first hatch chicks will survive quite well without food or water since the humidity in the incubator keeps them hydrated. After 36 hours all unhatched eggs should be candled to verify viability, and the hatched chicks moved to a brooder box.

Can you hatch chicks without an incubator?

It is possible to hatch chicks without an incubator, but it is more challenging. You can use a broody hen to sit on the eggs and keep them warm until they hatch. However, success will depend on the hen's dedication and ability to provide the right conditions for the eggs to develop.

How do you get a shell stuck to a baby chick off?

You need to keep humidity up over 60% in the brooder box if you have transfered the chicks to a separate area. Never be in a rush to move the newly hatched chicks from the incubator. They should stay with their brood mates in the humid, warm incubator for at least 24 hours after hatch. You can add a few small drops of warm water to the area that appears stuck (use an eye dropper). Keep the chick warm at all times and out of drafts. Do not pull the shell away from the body of the chick, you may damage it.

Will eggs hatch even without a heating pad Cause i can't find a incubator and my chicken keep on breaking the eggs and eating them . I would like to have some chicks but i dont know what to do?

Eggs may still hatch without a heating pad, but they are more likely to survive and hatch successfully with consistent warmth. You could try using a heat source like a lamp or finding a makeshift incubator to increase the chances of hatching successfully. It's important to keep the eggs safe from the chickens to prevent them from breaking and eating them.

Do you keep turning chicken eggs till they hatch?

No, it is not necessary to turn chicken eggs once they are in the incubator. The incubator itself rotates the eggs to prevent the embryo from sticking to the shell. Turning the eggs manually can be done if there is no automatic turner in the incubator.

Related questions

How long do chicks stay in a incubator?

They should be left in the incubator until they are dry,fluffy and active. Do not rush to remove them as opening the incubator will effect the un-hatched and still hatching eggs. This usually takes up to 36 hours and the first hatch chicks will survive quite well without food or water since the humidity in the incubator keeps them hydrated. After 36 hours all unhatched eggs should be candled to verify viability, and the hatched chicks moved to a brooder box.

How do you hatch a pigeon egg?

keep it in incubator or keep it coiled in cotton keeping rolling it after some 28 days it will get hatch.

Can you hatch chicks without an incubator?

It is possible to hatch chicks without an incubator, but it is more challenging. You can use a broody hen to sit on the eggs and keep them warm until they hatch. However, success will depend on the hen's dedication and ability to provide the right conditions for the eggs to develop.

How do you get a shell stuck to a baby chick off?

You need to keep humidity up over 60% in the brooder box if you have transfered the chicks to a separate area. Never be in a rush to move the newly hatched chicks from the incubator. They should stay with their brood mates in the humid, warm incubator for at least 24 hours after hatch. You can add a few small drops of warm water to the area that appears stuck (use an eye dropper). Keep the chick warm at all times and out of drafts. Do not pull the shell away from the body of the chick, you may damage it.

How do you keep a baby duck egg warm?

An incubator.

Do you need a rooster when you keep chickens?

Only if you want to hatch chicks. Then, no you don't have to.

Will eggs hatch even without a heating pad Cause i can't find a incubator and my chicken keep on breaking the eggs and eating them . I would like to have some chicks but i dont know what to do?

Eggs may still hatch without a heating pad, but they are more likely to survive and hatch successfully with consistent warmth. You could try using a heat source like a lamp or finding a makeshift incubator to increase the chances of hatching successfully. It's important to keep the eggs safe from the chickens to prevent them from breaking and eating them.

How does an incubator keep a baby alive?

some babies are unable to regulate their own body temperature. an incubator helps keep the body from going into hypothermia.

Is how do keep baby duck eggs without an incubator?

you could put them under a broody chicken. it may not work but you could try a heat lamp, they need one once they hatch anyway.

Do you keep turning chicken eggs till they hatch?

No, it is not necessary to turn chicken eggs once they are in the incubator. The incubator itself rotates the eggs to prevent the embryo from sticking to the shell. Turning the eggs manually can be done if there is no automatic turner in the incubator.

Is it true that all chicks are hatch if you keep them warm?

No- 30% of fertilized eggs are duds

How long baby chicks stay in their nest?

The Chicks only have to stay in the Incubator until they appear bright, aware and active. Make sure they are fluffy and dry before taking them out however. Once the Chicks are out the incubator place them in a safe container/box with a heat lamp.