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Q: When can you see lions?
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Why do lions fight?

Lions and other lions fight to see who is the strongest. They also fight to see who will eat first and to protect their young from other prides.

Does Zimbabwe have lions?

Yes there are lions in zimbabwe there are lots of places to see them .

Where to see lions?

The Zoo!

Are sea lions intelligent?

See lions are intelligent because they are easily traned

Do lions live on the Rocky Mountains?

Mountian lions do, African lions like you see in the zoo don't. They live in Africa.

What animal would you see near a zebra?

It is common to see wildebeest near zebras, and sometimes lions that may be hunting the zebra.It is common to see wildebeest near zebras, and sometimes lions that may be hunting the zebra.It is common to see wildebeest near zebras, and sometimes lions that may be hunting the zebra.It is common to see wildebeest near zebras, and sometimes lions that may be hunting the zebra.It is common to see wildebeest near zebras, and sometimes lions that may be hunting the zebra.It is common to see wildebeest near zebras, and sometimes lions that may be hunting the zebra.It is common to see wildebeest near zebras, and sometimes lions that may be hunting the zebra.It is common to see wildebeest near zebras, and sometimes lions that may be hunting the zebra.It is common to see wildebeest near zebras, and sometimes lions that may be hunting the zebra.It is common to see wildebeest near zebras, and sometimes lions that may be hunting the zebra.It is common to see wildebeest near zebras, and sometimes lions that may be hunting the zebra.

Who would win 999 lions vs 1 ant?

999 lions

How do you identify white lions?

You see that they are white

Why do lions see better at night?


Do cheetahs or lions live longer?

No, They don't. Lions will try to kill Cheetahs' if they see any. Lions are usually protective of their belongings. (Especially Females.)

Do sea lions have fins?

Yes! Sea Lions do have whiskers. If you see them at the ZOO and look in the tanks you will see long, straight, whiskers.

What colors can a lion see?

Lions can see the same colors as we can, but they can't see as far away as we can.