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No. Cows give birth through the VAGINA, not the anus. ALL mammals give birth through the vagina or birth canal, NEVER THE ANUS.

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Q: When a cow gives birth is it through its anus?
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Does a cow only have one orifice for its anus and vagina and therefore give birth through its anus?

A cow definitely has a vagina and does not give birth through its anus. If a calf presents upside down, very occasionally the hooves may tear through the vaginal wall and the whole calf will move from the vagina into the rectum and out through the anus. Obviously this causes significant tissue damage and usually results in the mother being put down.Only male cattle have one orifice under their tails. Cows have two orifices under their tails, one anus and below that, the vagina. As mentioned above, it is the vagina where cows normally give birth.

Why do vets extricate calves through a cows anus?

They don't. Calves are pulled through the cow's vagina, not the anus.

When does a cow start to milk?

When she gives birth to a calf.

Is a pregnant cow a mother of a calf or is it a grandma?

A pregnant cow who gives birth is a mother.

How long after giving birth can a cow fall pregnant?

It should only be a matter of a couple hours.

What is the purpose of the cow's rectum and anus?

The cows rectum stores fecal matter until it is expelled through the anus. The expulsion of feces is known as defecation.

Does a cow have a baby out their bum?

Generally yes. However, cows do not give birth to calves out of their anus: they calve or give birth out of their vagina or birth canal, just like your mother gave birth to you and your little brother or sister.

Which animal eats plant gives birth to young ones and feeds them with its milk?

A cow

What is the function and structure of a cow's anus?

There are many functions and structures in a cows anus. This is to help the animal to excrete waste.

When does the placenta supposed to drop off after a cow gives birth?

The placenta is supposed to be naturally expelled around 5 to 10 hours after the cow has calved.

How does a bull give birth?

A bull doesn't give birth because a bull is a male. The female, a cow, gives birth to the bull's offspring, and they are called calves.

How many calves does a bison cow give birth to per year?

Bison cows primarily give birth to one calf a year.