Kittens can be born with worms if the mother is infected during pregnancy. It is not uncommon for kittens to contract worms from the mother's milk or environment shortly after birth. Regular deworming and preventive measures are recommended for kittens.
You pull it out
The hairless Sphynx also called the Canadian Hairless cat (because it was originally bred in Canada)
Yes, there are feline hermaphrodites. My cat is one. My cat has a small penis, but he also has an opening similar to a vagina. In male cats, there is space with fur between the uretha and the anus. Female cats don't have that much space, and it sort of looks like an upside down exclamation point. Three vets all examined my cat to determine its gender, and they all agreed that he just didn't have what he needed to have to be a boy, but he definitely had what appears to be a penis. (None of this is easy to see. My cat howls when they poke and prod him to examine his genitalia.)
They are not much alike- no more alike that people and cows, I would say.
new born kittens do have fur and it starts out short but will grow as the cat grows.
It has hair (or fur), is warm blooded, and gives birth to live babies.
Really! How bad is it!
Persian cats and kittens have long, soft fur. The cat's fur is too long for the cat to keep clean and free of matting, so they require regular grooming.
Most certainly. A cats colors doesn't have to depend upon its parents fur or breed. It could depend upon its grand parents or other ancestors.
No, not all kittens are fluffy. Some kittens have short or smooth fur instead of fluffy fur.
Yes, kittens do shed fur, but the amount can vary depending on the breed and individual cat. Some kittens may shed more than others, especially during certain times of the year or as they grow older. Regular grooming can help manage shedding.
When someone tries to harm the kittens, the mother would get up and start growling. All the kittens will have poofy fur because they know somethings wrong. The mother would pick the kittens up by the scruff and bring them to safety.
You very well can tell a cat is a mammal, as the cat feeds milk to the kittens. Plus it has fur, warm blood, and certainly doesn't lay eggs.
The same as a cat that has never had a litter of kittens, only much smaller. The color depends on the color of the fur.
Kittens typically shed their fur for the first time when they are around 12 weeks old.
Has fur, breathes air and gives live birth.