The Black Rhino (Diceros Bicornos) population has declined by 90% to less than 3,000 since 1970. They are mostly killed for their horns. The Trade of Rhinos has been banned for over twenty years. Even so, there still continues to be a huge demand for rhino parts.
The worlds most endangered animal is known to be the Amur Leopard which is so rare, there are only 35 or under left. 'WWF-world wild life fund' are helping to raise the number of these beautiful cats and helping in every way they can to stop the Amur Leopards from becoming extinct. With your help and others, you could donate as little as £5 and it will help these beautiful creatures live in a safe environment.
The javan rhino. There are less than 40 left in the wild!
The most endangered animal in the world is the Greater Horseshoe Bat. This bat is located in Britain and is also one of the rarest.
Abington Island tortoise! Only one left. See link for endangered animals in China.
The World Wildlife Federation (WWF) lists the top 10 most endangered species as:
It's hard to say what the most endangered animal is, but a good answer would probably be the Baiji dolphin. It is found only in the Yangtze River in China. It has been estimated that there are only around 20 left. It has been a few years since the last sighting, and most of those that have been sighted are assumed to be quite old. Unfortunately, there is probably no hope for these mammals.
Previous answer: Well....There are thousands of animals being extinct at the moment so it is very hard to decide which is really the most endangered but one of the most endangered animal is the Siberian tiger.
Contributors have said:
The Pansi or a White lion but there's also a type of dolphin that lives in the Chang Jiang River and some other rivers in China. It's extremely shy and there's less than 30 or 50 of them less. So please try your best to stopping pollution.
Another animal who is also endangered is a pink dolphin which is endangered as well.
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The pinta island tortoise is the most endangered with only 1 of them left in the wild.
Or maybe the ivory billed woodpecker since they are not sure if it is extinct or alive.
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Usually the most endangered animals are the rediscovered ones such as the African and Indonesian Ceolacanth or the Solenodon-which is one of the few mammals with a venomous bite.
Another rediscovered species is the frilled shark, thought to be extinct for millions of years but have now been discovered off the coasts of Japan {in very very deep water}.
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The South China tiger is probably already gone in the wild, as none have been recorded for years. There are around 65 in captivity, and some of these are being taught to hunt, for release into their former haunts.
The vaquita, a small porpoise found in the Gulf of California, is considered the most endangered marine mammal in the world, with only a few individuals left in the wild due to bycatch in fishing nets. Its population has declined significantly in recent years, and conservation efforts are underway to try to save the species from extinction.
Currently, the most endangered animal is the ivory billed woodpecker. While there have been reported sightings of this woodpecker, there is no hard evidence that it is not already extinct.
The ivory billed woodpecker was sighted in Arkansas in 2004, and in that area a video of a female flying from a tree trunk was made by David Luneau. Many observations were made during the search by competent observers, and several reported red on the crest, indicating a male was also present. A research team from Auburn University made several audio and some video from the panhandle of Florida, and researcher Mike Collins has some good footage from Louisiana's Pearl River basin.
The bird's population is certainly low, but there is enough evidence to allow it still clings to existance. Reports have also came in from North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Georgia and Mississippi.
LoggerHead Turtle - White tailed eagle - jackass penguin - indian elephant - bengal tiger - indian rhino - indian lion - gaur - lion tailed macaque and many more but they are most endangered.
Animals that are most endangered are, the tiger, bald eagle, Okapi, ring tailed lemurs, Lowland Gorilla and the Maned wolf are some of what I consider most endangered.
Black Rhino is #1.
Ecuador has the highest number of endangered species. The United States is home to 1,278 species at risk of extinction, the second highest count.
The worlds most endangered animal now is the black Rhino,native of southern and eastern Africa, the population of these beautiful creatures has declined by 90%.They are mostly killed for their horns and other body parts which is believed to be of medicinal value.
Most likely deforestation
According to the World Wildlife Fund, the most endangered animal in the world is the Black Rhino. Number two is the Giant Panda, and third is the tiger. These animals are endangered chiefly because humans destroy their habitat, and they no longer have enough room to live and find food.
Endangered Fish. It's hard to say how fish are faring as a whole, as only 10 percent of the nearly 30,000 known fish species have been evaluated for inclusion.
The vaquita, a small porpoise found in the Gulf of California, is one of the smallest endangered animals. Thought to have a population of fewer than 10 individuals, the vaquita is critically endangered due to bycatch in illegal fishing activities.
The most endangered animal is your mom
No, but they are endangered by poaching and habitat loss.
the endangered animals are pandas, cheetah's, tigers, polar bears and for some others go to www.endangeredanimals.comanimals that are left behinde and in dangeour.
Impossible to answer.
A panda
A Vaquita is a rare species of porpoise, it is the smallest and most endangered species of cetacean in the world .
what is the most endangered animal in the's the polor bear
The worlds most endangered animal now is the black Rhino,native of southern and eastern Africa, the population of these beautiful creatures has declined by 90%.They are mostly killed for their horns and other body parts which is believed to be of medicinal value.
killer whale