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Sirens are a mythological creation, they aren't real and never 'lived' in the real world as anything other then a story made up to explain why some ships never returned with their sailors and why ships were sometimes found wrecked without crews.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

In Greek mythology, the Sirens were said to live during the time of ancient Greek heroes, around the 8th century BCE. Their mythical home was typically associated with an island near Italy or Sicily.

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Do Sirens live in saltwater freshwater or can they live in both?

Sirens are typically found in freshwater environments such as swamps, rivers, and lakes. They are not adapted to live in saltwater habitats and are primarily found in the southeastern United States.

Where do sirens live?

Upon islands in the sea.

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No, there is NO roman connection with the Sirens.

How do police sirens work?

Police cars have sirens.

Where did the sirens do?

Sirens cause shipwrecks to protect their existence.

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Really-low-pitched tornado sirens....maybe.

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How long did the sirens live?

In Greek mythology, the sirens were said to be immortal beings who lived for centuries. They were known for their enchanting voices that lured sailors to their doom.

What is the ISBN of The Sirens of Surrentum?

The ISBN of The Sirens of Surrentum is 1596430842.

When was Simmons Sirens created?

Simmons Sirens was created in 1989.

When was Sleeping with Sirens created?

Sleeping with Sirens was created in 2009.