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A jar.

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Q: What would you put a a frog and a lizard in?
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What pet is cheaper a frog or a lizard?

a lizard

Is a frog a lizard?

they are animalia

Can lizard be with a frog?


What would happen if you put a lizard and a frog in the same cage?

Almost every time they can live peacfullt together just give them both enough room for themselves feed them what they each need and make sure they have plenty of water. Sometimes you might have to separate them for feeding.

A lizard is a reptilebut a frog is an?


Can a frog get killed by a lizard?


What is a common pet that would be weird to actually pet?

snake fish lizard bird frog

Can you pot green tree frogs with water dragons?

I have heard yes, you may put them together, however; be prepared for your water dragon to at some point sample your tree frog as food. Your tree frog and the Water dragon can live in the same climate and environment, but your tree frog will probably be nervous around your lizard. If your Lizard is big enough he could kill your tree frog.

What lacks an amnion during its development a bird human lizard frog or alligator?


What is the biggest amphibian?

A lilly frog or a giant lizard

What are three kinds of reptiles?

lizard, frog, and snake

How would you get rid of worms from feeder fish that you put in your frog tank without hurting the frog?

you would have to remove the frog immidiatly from the area.