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Q: What would happen to animals if the amount of oxygen the earths atmosphere decreased?
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What are three ways in which the atmosphere is important to life on earth?

The atmosphere provides oxygen for breathing, acts as a protective shield by absorbing harmful solar radiation, and regulates the Earth's temperature to create a habitable environment for living organisms.

What is one navigation guide for animals migration?

One navigation guide for animal migration is using the Earth's magnetic field to help orient themselves and maintain their course. Many animals, such as birds and sea turtles, have specialized cells that can sense magnetic fields and use this information to navigate during their long journeys.

What conditions allowed so many different kinds of mammals to evolve during the Cenozoic era?

The diversification of mammals during the Cenozoic era was facilitated by the extinction of dinosaurs, creating new ecological niches for mammals to exploit. Additionally, changes in global climate and geography provided opportunities for mammals to adapt and speciate in various environments. The evolutionary flexibility and adaptability of mammals also contributed to their diversification during this time.

What animals use magnets in everyday life?

Some animals such as birds, sea turtles, and certain types of fish have the ability to detect Earth's magnetic field and use it for navigation during migration. They have specialized cells or structures in their bodies that act as biological compasses, allowing them to orient themselves based on the Earth's magnetic field.

How do animals change the earths surface?

Animals can change the earth in many ways. A common and easily observed manner is by earth worm castes, The worms ingest loamy (organic rich) soil as they burrow and pass it through their digestive system and later pass off the soil minus what they have extracted for their needs as little piles of about 1/8th inch balls of soil. Over a period of several hundred years they can cover an acre of soil with new and mineral rich deposits which will become part of the new top soil.

Related questions

What is the amount of heat energy in the earths atmosphere referred to as?

the altitude

What is the amount of heat energy in the earths atmosphere is referred to as?

The amount of heat energy in Earth's atmosphere is referred to as temperature. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance or system. It is a key factor in determining weather patterns and climate.

What is one of earths largest carbon sinks?

One of Earth's largest carbon sinks is the ocean. The ocean absorbs a significant amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, storing it in marine plants, animals, and sediments. This helps regulate the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Has the earths total water supply decreased?

Not by any important amount. But it has been shifted around a bit, and some of it has gotten polluted.

What affect does living organisms have on the composition of earths atmosphere?

Living organisms play a significant role in shaping Earth's atmosphere. They produce oxygen through photosynthesis, help regulate the carbon cycle by absorbing and releasing carbon dioxide, and impact atmospheric composition through processes like respiration and decomposition. The activities of organisms contribute to the balance of gases in the atmosphere, making it suitable for life on Earth.

What are three ways in which the atmosphere is important to earth?

first of all it helps by : 1. the atmosphere gives earths animals or creations air to breath 2. the atmosphere helps plants grow 3.

How do geologists think earths atmosphere formed?

how do geologists think earths atmosphere is formed

How did the addition of oxygen to earths atmosphere affect the evolution of life?

it made it possible 4 it to be plants animals and human life

What is the earths second layer of earths atmosphere?


What is the earths sunblock?

The ozone layer acts as a sort of 'sunblock' for the earth, limiting the amount of UV radiation that enters the atmosphere.

What does the amount of energy in the atmosphere depend on?

The amount of energy in the atmosphere depends on factors such as incoming solar radiation, the Earth's surface temperature, greenhouse gas concentrations, and atmospheric circulation patterns. This energy drives weather systems and influences climate patterns globally.

How much do plants and animals depend on earths atmosphere?

Plants depend on Earth's atmosphere to carry out photosynthesis, a process which converts carbon dioxide into oxygen and energy. Animals rely on the atmosphere for oxygen to breathe and for regulating temperature and weather patterns that determine habitats and food sources. Overall, Earth's atmosphere is essential for sustaining life and the delicate balance of ecosystems.