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Wax moth

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6mo ago

Wax worms will turn into moths. They go through a life cycle that includes egg, larva (the wax worm stage), pupa, and adult moth.

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Do wax worms have hurt feelings?

Yes wax worms fieel eaven the tiniest pinch you should always keep your wax worms in a safe place

Can worms eat wax?

They can but shouldn't. Wax worms are an "unclean" food based on sound dietary laws.

Do wax worms come from wax moths?

Yes, wax worms are the caterpillar larvae of wax moths. They are commonly used as fishing bait and as food for pet reptiles.

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Do bearded dragons eat worms?

Yes, they do eat worms such as meal worms, wax worms, and superworms.

Is a gecko a herbivore?

No they eat crickets and meal worms and wax worms no vegetables.

What does a blue bumpy frog eat?

It eats crickets,wax worms and meal worms

Do newts eat wax worms?

Occasionally. My newt, which I caught from the wild, has eaten some. Wax worms are for less aquatic newts, but Blood worms are better for more aquatic/aquatic newts. Also, Wax worms are better for newts because of their soft skin. The rough outer exoskeleton of the Bloodworms can damage their bellies.

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What are Mexican walking fish preys?

trout salmon blood worms earthworms and wax worms

What is good fishing bate?

actually cheese fish meat worms raisins meat meal worms wax worms butter worms and bread

Can wax worms kill animals?

Wax worms are a widely used food source for both caged and wild birds, reptiles, amphibians, and small animals such as sugar gliders and hedgehogs. Wax worms are soft bodied, fat grubs with small heads. They make an excellent addition to your pets diet. Wax worms are about the best food for sick or malnourished animals, quickly allowing the animal to gain weight.One of the best ways to keep animals healthy is to provide a diverse diet. Wax worms are a fantastic way of providing nutritional diversity. Animals absolutely love the taste of them. Wax worms are easily digested and a favorite food source of many pets and fish.