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The RCA Victor dog's name was Nipper. Nipper is depicted in the famous painting listening intently to a phonograph.

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Q: What was the name of the rca victrola dog?
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When did RCA Victrola end?

RCA Victrola ended in 2004.

When was RCA Victrola created?

RCA Victrola was created in 1962.

What is the name of the Victrola dog?

Okay, I think it was 'Nipper'...

Was there an R.C. Victor who named the Victrola?

There was no R.C. Victor who named the Victrola. The Victrola was actually named by Eldridge R. Johnson, the founder of the Victor Talking Machine Company, which later became RCA Victor.

Who is Nipper the mascot for?

I believe "Nipper" is the name of the little dog in the RCA trademark. The little dog is listening to a Victorola in the old RCA trademark.

How do you use the word Victrola in a sentence?

Victrola is a brand name.

What is dog Victrola?

This is the logo of vicrola records: a dog looking into the speaker of a record player

Can I see a Picture of the RCA dog?

Check the link below for Nipper (The RCA Dog):

What was the name of the RCA dog with caption My Masters Voice?

The dog's name was Nipper and the title was His Master's Voice.

Was the RCA dog put to sleep?

Nipper, the RCA dog, died of old age in September of 1895 when he was about 11 years old.

How did Motorola get its name?

Their first product was a Motor Car Victrola.

What is the difference between victor records and victrola records They have the same record numbers?

Victor records is the name of a record company. victrola records are the type of records played on a victrola machine. Victor Record Company made both Victor Records and Victrola Records. I had many of