It's a mutt!
Nipper, the iconic RCA dog, was a mixed-breed dog believed to be part Jack Russell Terrier and part Bull Terrier. He gained fame for listening intently to a gramophone, which became a symbol of quality sound for RCA products.
The name of the dog is Max the Dog .
Canis familiaris is the scientific namethere are many common names:dogpuppymuthoundbasically anything you can call a dog
Johnny Test's dog's name is Dukey.
RCA Victrola was created in 1962.
RCA Victrola ended in 2004.
Okay, I think it was 'Nipper'...
There was no R.C. Victor who named the Victrola. The Victrola was actually named by Eldridge R. Johnson, the founder of the Victor Talking Machine Company, which later became RCA Victor.
I believe "Nipper" is the name of the little dog in the RCA trademark. The little dog is listening to a Victorola in the old RCA trademark.
Victrola is a brand name.
This is the logo of vicrola records: a dog looking into the speaker of a record player
Check the link below for Nipper (The RCA Dog):
The dog's name was Nipper and the title was His Master's Voice.
Nipper, the RCA dog, died of old age in September of 1895 when he was about 11 years old.
Their first product was a Motor Car Victrola.
A Jack Russell Terrier.