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There is no person on either of Captain Scott's rosters -- the Discovery or the Terra Nova expeditions' -- listed as 'from Wales' or 'Welsh'.

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Q: What was the name of the Welshman who accompanied Captain Scott to Antarctica?
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What did Robert Scott do to his dogs?

Robert Scott and his polar exploration team were forced to euthanize their sled dogs due to a shortage of supplies during their 1911-1912 expedition to the South Pole. The dogs were crucial for transportation in the harsh Antarctic conditions, and sacrificing them was deemed necessary for the survival of the human team members.

What was the name of the Welshman who died with Captain Scott on the way to the south pole?

The Welshman was Petty Officer Edgar (Teddy, Taff) Evans.

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Scott wanted representatives from each of the military branches represented by the explorers who accompanied him to Antarctica.

How did Scott get to Antarctica?

Scott traveled to Antarctica as the leader of the British Antarctic Expedition in 1910. He and his team sailed to Antarctica on the ship Terra Nova, which brought them to their base camp at Cape Evans. They then used sledges and dogs to travel across the continent to the South Pole.

How many men did captain Scott take to Antarctica?

Captain Scott led a team of 65 men on his Terra Nova Expedition to Antarctica in 1910.

Which ship did Captain Scott sail to the Antarctic in 1901?

Captain Scott sailed the Discovery to Antarctica in 1901.

How many times did Captain Scott travel to Antarctica?

Captain Scott led two expeditions to Antarctica, aboard the Discovery in 1901 and aboard the Terra Nova in 1910.

Did Robert Scott make it back to Britain?

No, Captain Scott perished in Antarctica.

When did Robert Scott explore Antarctica?

Captain Scott explored Antarctica between 1901 and 1912 on two separate expeditions.

What did Robert Falcon Scott travel by?

Captain Scott sailed in ships and on Antarctica, he walked.

What was the name of the ship that took Captain Scott and his crew to Antarctica?

Captain Scott sailed on two ships: the Discovery and the Terra Nova.

How did Robert falcon get to antarctica?

An each of his two journeys to Antarctica, Captain Scott sailed in ships.