The dog breed also known as a Durrbachler is the Entlebucher Mountain Dog, which originated in Switzerland. It is a medium-sized, energetic breed that is known for its herding abilities and loyalty to its family.
it is Bernese mt. dog I have just bought a husky cross bernese mountain dog, bonnie, she is 10 weeks old, has the colouring of the mt dog and the eyes of the husky. What is she known as,? Bernsky....Husknese? And has any one got any pics of their own to see what she will look like in the future?? ************************* The Bernese Mountain dog is the breed that looks like a black bear with brown and white markngs and is recognized by the AKC however there is another COMPLETELY different breed of dog known as the Burmese Mountain dog that looks more like a German Shepard. Burmese Mountain dogs were bred to guard temples in Burma - Bernese Mountain dogs are a Swiss breed of dog bred to pull carts and protect herds.
The Papillon (or butterfly-eared dog) was bred to look pretty for aristocratic ladies who wanted a lap dog.
You might be able to get a dog for $100. But probably a male pure bred. That's what my brother got for his pure bred dog.
The Chesapeake Bay Retriever was first bred in the state of Maryland in the United States. It was developed to be a versatile hunting dog, particularly adept at retrieving waterfowl in the Chesapeake Bay region.
Dogs are animals with four legs. English Springer Spaniel and Entlebucher Mountain Dog are dog breeds
I see that you are asking about many dogs. Unfortunately, I don't know much about those breeds, but I do know that beagles and Labrador retrievers are excellent first dog. My first dog was a Labrador retriever and he was my favorite dog.
· English Cocker Spaniel · English Foxhound · English Setter · English Springer Spaniel · English Toy Terrier · Entlebucher Mountain Dog
There are several mountain Dog breeds, including:Greater Swiss Mountain DogSt. BernardGreat PyreneesAtlas Mountain DogBernese Mountain DogPyrenean Mountain DogAkbashAppenzell Mountain DogBavarian Mountain HoundCentral Asian ShepherdMountain CurTatra Mountain Dog
The dog breed also known as a Durrbachler is the Entlebucher Mountain Dog, which originated in Switzerland. It is a medium-sized, energetic breed that is known for its herding abilities and loyalty to its family.
They were first bred as hunting dog
He was bred as a dog for races and for hunting.
They were originally bred for dog fighting.
as a shepherd dog
as companion dog
hunting dog
as a hunting dog