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it was hot and there were a lot of mosquitoes. It was horrible.

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Q: What was a typical day like on the Lewis and Clark Expedition?
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Who was York in the Lewis and Clark journey?

York was an enslaved African American man who belonged to William Clark and was a member of the Lewis and Clark expedition. He played a vital role in the journey, contributing as a skilled hunter, giving support to the team, and establishing relations with Native American tribes they encountered. York's contributions were significant, but he did not receive recognition or freedom after the expedition ended.

What interactions did Lewis and Clark have on their expedition?

Lewis and Clark interacted with Native American tribes, traded goods for supplies, hired interpreters like Sacagawea, navigated rivers, and communicated with a wide range of people during their expedition. They also exchanged cultural knowledge and traded information with various tribes they encountered along their journey.

What were the differences between Lewis and Clark with Zebulon Pike?

Pike was the leader of one group that was sent out to explore the west. Lewis and Clark were the leader of the other group. In the end they return but Pike was not and much as a hero like Lewis and Clark. They just wanted to please Jefferson.

What role did York play in the Lewis and Clark expediton?

York was an enslaved African American who served as William Clark's personal servant during the Lewis and Clark Expedition. York played an essential role in the expedition, contributing his skills as a hunter, fisherman, and interpreter, and forming important relationships with Native American tribes they encountered. Despite his contributions, York did not receive the same recognition as the other members of the expedition.

What animals did Lewis and Clark kill to eat?

Lewis and Clark killed and ate a variety of animals during their expedition, such as deer, buffalo, elk, and birds like geese and ducks. They also consumed fish from rivers and streams that they encountered along their journey. Additionally, they occasionally ate dogs that were given to them by Native American tribes as food.

Related questions

What were Lewis and Clark looking for on the expedition?

thomas Jefferson sent Lewis and clark on an expedition to find out what the west was really like and to find a new water route

How was Lewis and clark expedition path like?

Wow. Bad grammar kills. *Clark. ChaCha on!

What did Lewis and Clark sleep in on their expedition?

Lewis and Clark had to sleep on there expedition because that was the only place they could sleep it is not like they can go to a home and sleep there thanks for reading and good luck to you

What was the first winter like during the Lewis and Clark expedition?

Almost starve

How were the Lewis and Clark expedition like the Donner party?

They both traveled a long way

What was the impact for the Lewis and Clark expedition?

The Lewis and Clark expedition provided valuable information about the geography, flora, and fauna of the western United States. It helped to establish US claims to Oregon Territory and paved the way for future expansion. The expedition also improved knowledge of Native American tribes in the region.

Who were meriwether Lewis friends?

Meriwether Lewis had numerous friends and associates throughout his life, but some key individuals included William Clark, Thomas Jefferson, and William Dunbar. William Clark was particularly close to Lewis, as they co-led the famous Lewis and Clark Expedition.

What did Lewis and clark bring with them on their expedition?

Lewis and Clark brought supplies like firearms, tools, clothing, food, and medicine on their expedition. They also brought navigational instruments, maps, journals, and gifts to exchange with Native American tribes they encountered.

Why was the Lewis and Clark expedition considered a tremendous success?

Because Lewis and Clark discovered other things like new plants and animals. They also encouraged settlement when their books were published. The DRAKEN at your service.

What type of boat did Lewis and Clark use to go on their expedition?

They used canoes much like those of the Native Americans.

Why did Lewis and Clark set out in the expedition?

they felt like it and if u wanna know the real answer read ur world history book.

How many slaves traveled with Lewis and Clark and what were their names?

Only one slave traveled on the Lewis and Clark expedition. His name was York, and he was Clark's slave, willed to him by his father. But Clark did not like to refer to him as slave, so in the journals he just called him "my servant". The two men had grown up together. York was tall, strong, a valuable member of the expedition, and devoted to Clark, who freed him when they returned to St. Louis. Subsequently Clark set him up in the draying business.