Chinese alligator locomotion
As he was interested in locomotion, he went to visit the transport museum.
walking, running,jumping,...
Locomotion does not increase an animal's opportunity to breathe, since respiration is primarily regulated by the respiratory system's efficiency in extracting oxygen from the air. Locomotion is more closely associated with an animal's ability to find food, shelter, or a mate.
pigs use quadrupedal locomotion.
Locomotion is the type of movement you use when performing an action, to put it in lay terms. Humans use plantigrade locomotion for walking, running, sprinting, etc.
no it is not. a locomotive is a type of train locomotion is a type of movement
Yes, eubacteria can make you very sick. Salmonella is the worst type of sickness that a person can get from eubacteria.
Nope and archeabacteria doesn't either.No, the cells of a Eubacteria do not have a nucleus.
Plantigrade locomotion.
Yes. Cyanobacteria is the other type of photosynthetic autotrophs
tubed feet
Yes, Lactobacillus acidophilus is classified as a eubacteria. Eubacteria is one of the two main domains of bacteria, with the other being archaebacteria. Lactobacillus acidophilus is a type of bacteria that is commonly found in the human gut and is considered beneficial for human health.
Diploda being millipedes and locomotion being movement, their legs.