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For kittens, any high quality cat food is the best. Kittens eat exactly the same food as an adult cat - the only difference is quantity. Brands will advertise kitten food as a clever marketing ploy, although in reality, the difference between the kitten and adult foods are often minimal. For many high quality brands, kitten and adult food are exactly the same, so are complete for all ages. Just be sure to feed a kitten small but frequent meals. 3 to 6 meals per day for a kitten is ideal, although this factor will greatly depend on age and size.

Never give a kitten cow's milk as many cats are lactose intolerant and can make them sick.

Cats are carnivores so they derive all the nutrients from meat, so it makes sense to find a food with a high (50% or over) meat content. This should be the FIRST ingredient (listed as Chicken, Turkey, Lamb, Tuna, etc.). Foods that are free of grains, corns, and wheat gluten are highly recommended as these are cheap "filler" that bulk up foods - but have no nutritional value for your kitten. Wet food with these specifications are much easier to find than in dry food.

For high-quality cat and kitten food there is: Wellness, Blue Buffalo, Eagle Pack, Felidae, Orijen, Grau, Animonda Carny, Bozita (from, HiLife (60% meat), to name a few.

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6mo ago

A nursing mother cat should be fed high-quality kitten food to provide the extra nutrients needed for milk production. It's important to ensure she has access to plenty of fresh water at all times. Consult your veterinarian for specific recommendations on feeding a nursing cat.

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10y ago

She should be eating a high quailty kitten food, dry and/or canned such as Iams, Science Diet, Nutramax, etc. The kitten food (rather than adult cat food) will give her extra calcium and protein to replace what she loses in her milk. She will be thin by the time the kittens are weaned, this is normal. You do not need to supplement her with milk or kitten formula (liquid) as long as she is eating a good quality food. Store brands are generally NOT considered good quality. When the kittens are about 4 weeks old, have canned kitten food available for them to begin eating. They will be ready to add in dry kitten food about 6 weeks old and that's when you can start to wean them and get them ready to go to new homes. NOTE: always charge at least $10 for your kittens if they are going to strangers. You do not want to know what unscrupulus people want with free kittens. If they don' t have $10 then they can't afford to feed your kitten anyway.

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Q: What should you feed your cat as she is nursing kittens?
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Should a really thin cat be taken from her nursing kittens?

No, the kittens need all the milk they can get. Just feed her better food and help her not be so thin. You can help by nursing the kittens yourself as well at intervals if they are still hungry, but the kittens should NOT be separated from their mother, especially when you can help them.

What is it called when a mother feeds her kittens?

When a mother cat feeds it's kittens, the process is called, "nursing". A mother will nurse her kittens until they have the proper nourishment and are old enough to feed themselves.

What is the name of a mother nursing kittens?

A mother cat nursing her kittens is often referred to as a "queen."

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a queen

What is the name of a cat nursing kittens?

I believe the correct term for a pregnant or nursing cat is a 'queen'.

What is the name of a she cat nursing her kittens?

it is called a 'Queen'


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Can a cat who is nursing kittens be given antibiotics?

Check with your vet before giving your cat any medications, especially if it is nursing. Medications can pass through the cats milk and harm the kittens.

How do you know if kittens are ready to leave?

Kittens should stay with their mother until at least 10 weeks, and continue nursing throughout this time. Kittens should usually stay nursing for 12 weeks, but the kittens' mother will normally stop them nursing when the time is right.

If your cat had kittens 6 weeks ago are they meant to lose weight?

Kittens no and mother of the kittens no. The Cat should way more than usual because she is still nursing her kittens so the kittens can gain weight and grow :) Hope your new additions arent too much of a handfull

If a cat gets spayed will it stop feeding its kittens?

No, spaying a cat will not stop her from feeding her kittens. After a spay surgery, a cat may still lactate for a short period, but she will naturally stop producing milk once she is no longer nursing her kittens.