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Q: What short hair-like projections used for locomotion?
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What are the hairlike projections used for locomotion and obtaining food?

Cilia is the hairlike projections used for locomotion and obtaining food.

What are short hairlike projections used for locomotion called?

Short hairlike projections used for locomotion are called cilia. Cilia are found on the surface of many types of cells and are used to move the cell or to move substances along the cell's surface.

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What are the hair like structures on a protozoa?

The hair-like structures on a protozoa are called cilia. Cilia are short, numerous, and hair-like projections that help in movement and feeding in protozoa. They are used for locomotion by beating in a coordinated manner.

Short hairlike projections called are used for movement by ciliates?

Flagella and cilia of eukaryotic cells consist of a bundle of paired microtubules, an axoneme, embedded in a matrix and surrounded by a membrane that is an extension of the cell membrane. These microtubules have the arrangement: 9 double tubules set in an outer ring around 2 central, separated tubules. At the base of the cilium or flagellum, within the cytoplasm, is a cylindrical structure called a 'basal body' or 'kinetosome'.

What complex structures used for locomotion evolved in protists?

Flagella, cilia, and pseudopods are examples of complex structures used for locomotion that have evolved in protists. Flagella are whip-like appendages that propel the organism through a liquid environment, cilia are short, hair-like structures that beat back and forth to move the organism, and pseudopods are temporary projections of the cell membrane that enable the organism to crawl and engulf prey.

What are similarities between the Paramecium and Amoeba?

*they are all animal like protists *they can move on their own *they feed on other animal like and plant like organisms

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What does a cilia do in an animal cell?

Cilia are hair-like structures found on the surface of some animal cells. They help the cell to move and also facilitate the movement of substances across the cell's surface.

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What are hairlike substances that twisted together make up yarns and fabric?

The name of the tiny-hairlike strand used for making fabric is called Fibers