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Q: What quality do you think the captured African needed in order to survive the middle passage?
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What is the importance of African penguins?

They are African. Theres not much snow in africa so how do they survive is the question.

How do African penguin survive in their habitat?

African penguins survive in their habitat by adapting to their environment, with their waterproof feathers that keep them warm and dry in the cold waters, and by eating a diet of fish such as sardines and anchovies. They also have specialized glands to help regulate their body temperature in both cold and warm conditions, allowing them to thrive in their coastal habitat.

Can an octipus live in fresh water?

An octopus is not able to live in fresh water, or even brackish water. Due to their sensitivity to water quality and even their organs, there have been none known to survive.

Can fish eggs survive through a birds digestive system?

Some fish eggs are able to survive passage through a bird's digestive system due to their hard outer coating, which enables them to be dispersed to new environments. This process is known as endozoochory. However, not all fish eggs can survive this journey due to variations in the thickness of their outer coats and the conditions within the bird's digestive system.

Can turtles survive in small homemade ponds?

Some turtles can survive in small homemade ponds, depending on the species and size of the turtle. It is important to provide appropriate water depth, filtration, and a basking area for them to thrive. Additionally, proper diet and water quality maintenance are essential for their health and well-being.

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Who was Pocahontas captured by?

She was captured by settlers. The settlers wanted the food she had, so they took her. Back then they didn't have much food and that's what they needed to survive.

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Can African penguins survive in a subtropical region?

Yes. in fact, they can only survive in subtropical regions.

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They used African methods of farmng

What is the environment an African elephant live in?

They live on the African Prarie but can survive for a short time in the desert

What is the importance of African penguins?

They are African. Theres not much snow in africa so how do they survive is the question.

What kind of water do african-bullfrogs need?

African Bull-frogs need fresh water to survive.

What percent of Africans survived the middle passage?

Roughly 10-15% of Africans did not survive the middle passage, resulting in a mortality rate of about 85-90%.

Which African kingdom was vable to survive the scramble for Africa?


Which African kingdom was able to survive the scramble of africa?


What is a quality enabling organisms to better survive?

Adaptability is a key quality that enables organisms to better survive in changing environments. This trait allows organisms to adjust to new conditions, find new resources, and avoid threats.

How did the slaves survive the middle passage?

they had sufure for us to get back home slaved to they got slaved