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there are many ethical problems involved in cloning humans

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Q: What prevents scientists from cloning humans despite the fact that other mammals such as sheep have been cloned?
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How is the cloning of genes different from the cloning mammals?

The difference between cloning genes and cloning a mammal is that when a gene is cloned, it is typically removed from a DNA sequence and inserted into an organism. The cloning of a mammal, however, is when a somatic cells from the mammal are cloned to produce a "copy" of the mammal.

What mammals have scientists already cloned?


What are some of the potential dangers of cloning extinct mammals?

Read "Jurrassic Park" by Michale Crichton. There's your answer

Is mammals and birds are species that closely related?

No. Despite sharing some characteristics mammals and birds are not closely related.

Do platypuses have babies or eggs?

Despite being mammals, platypuses lay eggs. They are monotremes, that is, egg-laying mammals.

What do echidnas feed their young?

Echidnas are mammals, despite being egg-laying mammals, or monotremes. Therefore, like all mammals, they feed their young on mothers' milk.

How can scientists tell megatheriums was mammals?

Scientists can tell Megatheriums were mammals by examining their skeletal features, which show characteristics common to mammals such as specialized teeth, a jaw structure adapted for chewing, and a reproductive system unique to mammals. Additionally, the presence of hair or fur impressions in some preserved specimens further supports the idea that Megatheriums were mammals.

What prevents animals losing too much heat?

Subcutaneous fat. Hair (mammals) Feathers (birds)

What are echidnas classed as?

Echidnas are classed as mammals. Specifically, they are monotremes, or egg-laying mammals. They are classified as mammals despite being egg-layers, because the young suckle mothers' milk. This is the defining characteristic of all mammals. Like most other mammals, they also have fur.

Is cloning human being possible?

While human cloning has not been successfully achieved, scientists have been able to clone animals such as sheep and cows. Ethical concerns, technical challenges, and legal restrictions currently prevent human cloning from being performed.

What are scientists called who research apes?

The scientists who research apes are called Primatologists. Primates are the group of mammals which includes lemurs, monkeys, apes and humans.

According to scientists mammals made their first appearance during what period of the Mesozoic era?

Mammals made their first appearance during the Mesozoic era in the Triassic period. This period lasted from about 252 million years ago to 201 million years ago. Mammals evolved from their synapsid reptile ancestors during this time.