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Q: What part of the game animal is the most effective place to shoot?
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What is the effective range for a 30.06 bullet?

Depends on your ability to shoot and the game you are hunting.

The hunt that is taking place in The Most Dangerous Game?

They shoot turkey

Is shooting paintball guns at hawk illegal?

Yes. Firstly you can't shoot anything that is not your property, second that is animal cruelty, and third, if you kill it that is a game law violation. Do not shoot any animal with paintballs.

What is frame game solution for shoot shoot?

boller i numsen!

How much time do you have to shoot a free throw in a college basketball game?

You have 10 seconds to shoot the ball. If you do not shoot within the 10 seconds a delay of game foul will be called.

What part of speech is shoot?

"Shoot" can be a verb (e.g. "The hunter will shoot the deer") or a noun (e.g. "He made a perfect shoot at the basketball game").

What do you shoot with a 308?

Big game

Where could you find Animal Crossing?

The only place I know that sells the Animal Crossing series is GameStop. Depending on the game, the prices are rather cheap.

What is something you can shoot that starts with a G?

errr... a gun? you shoot game (hunting animals)

How do you shoot while holding the flag in in republic commando?

You have to shoot a picture from what game you play

How do you change from rda to navi in avatar the game?

in the game you have two people a navi and a rda member and you get to shoot your side so if you shoot the rda member you are on the navi side if you shoot the navi you are on the rda side.I hope this information helps and enjoy your game.

Did the game shoot 50 cent?

The Game did not shoot 50 Cent because 50 was shot before he let Game into G-Unit and The Game was only kicked out of G-Unit for being disloyal.