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A narwhal is a picky eater. It particularly favors eating cod, halibut, shrimp, and squid. Scientists aren't sure how Narwhals eat. But one possibility is sucking in, and swallowing whole, their prey.

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2mo ago

Narwhals primarily feed on fish, squid, and shrimp. They use their long, spiral tusk to stun prey before capturing and swallowing it. Narwhals are skilled hunters and feed mainly in deep Arctic waters.

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How can you eat narwhal?

you can not eat one it is illegl but you can go visit a narwhal hunter and FYI narwhal skin is a great source of vitiman C

Do narwhal eat plants?

Narwhal do not eat plants. They are carnivores, preying on fish, shrimp, cuttlefish, and squid.

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When does a narwhal eat?

They eat Fish , squid ,octopus ,and crabs. narwhals are awesome!

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The narwhal is a carnivore, as it feeds on fish.

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Can a Narwhal eat a Whale?

They could, but they won't, as they have a very specialized diet.Please access the related link below regarding the Narwhal (Monodon monoceros) to search for more information:

How often does a narwhal eat?

They gorge on fish in the winter, and mostly fast during the summer.

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Why do narwhal narwhal narwhal narwhal narwhal narwhal narwhal nar na nar nar nar?

The Narwhal has a curve in its mouth making it appear to smile all the time. The Narwhal has a large tusk that made reminded sailors of the mystical Unicorns.

What kind of whale has been mistaken for a unicorn historically?

The Narwhal has a horn. Horse Isle Quiz- Narwhal.