Education is one of the many significant elements of the human life. Education makes a difference between a human being and an animal. Education does not only provides a mental ability to the child but it also helps to gain through moral values. Education instills in us the values like good etiquettes, moral behavior, obedience, and many other traits.
Man is the only animal to receive a broad education. This is because, as far as scientists can tell, humans are the only species with reasoning and logic abilities.
Answer: Almighty God Jehovah the Sovereign of the universe and Creator of all things made the determination what position man would be in as well as animals. Genesis 1:26, 28 Then God said: "Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every creeping animal that is moving on the earth....Further God blessed them and God said to them: "Be fruitful and become many, fill the earth and have in subjection rhe fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving on the earth." That pretty much says it all, God did not give animals the same abilities and privileges as man who was created in his image.
Well, you should know that education will help to improve the way you understand things, and it makes you basically a better person :D!
A poisonous animal is one you should not bite because its body has poison on it or in it.A venomous animal is one that should not bite you because it makes venom that it injects into its prey.
No education in itself is bad. Its use or misuse makes it so. Liberal education should not be so 'liberal' that it becomes wicked education. Education must reform students' character and make them useful members of a society.
Nothing about this question makes sense. You can't have a "type" of special is something you receive as a K-12 grade, school aged student. Do a little research on Nellie Bly...she had no learning disability.
it makes the kids feel embarrassed and there parents should be teaching them, not science teachers
To get a better job and better job means more money without having to work too hard.With an education, you can write a question that actually makes sense.
it makes it unique because it is only for a sertain animal and will survive for that animal only What makes a habitat unique, is the animal that resides there. The habitat makes it possible for that organism to survive and thrive.
Absolutely YES! Art education is undermined by majority of people. Art is a way of life, should be incorporated in our daily life. Art usually makes up more peaceful.
he will die eventually
Well, you should know that education will help to improve the way you understand things, and it makes you basically a better person :D!
No. Honeybees are the only type of animal that makes honey.