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Phylectic gradualism,and punctuated equilibrium

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Charles Darwin is best known for his work on the theory of evolution through natural selection. His book, "On the Origin of Species," published in 1859, outlines this theory and had a significant impact on the scientific community, sparking widespread debate and discussion. Darwin's theory challenged traditional religious and scientific beliefs about the origins of species and laid the foundation for modern evolutionary Biology.

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Q: What makes known or popular by Charles Darwin?
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How were Darwin Charles ideas received at the time?

With great criticism. Noone believed him at the time as well as now there are very few darwin enthusiasts. Everyone was under the impression we came from the "gods" while darwinism makes much more sense than us just "poofing" onto the planet

How did Charles Darwin accomplish the evolution theory?

Pancakes taste good because they are fluffy, and the narrator says he likes fluffy things so he must like dogs because they bark. The dog barking makes the pancakes fluffy, which in turn makes the narrator like children because they cry. The child crying makes the dog bark, which in turn makes the narrator like men because they comfort their babies. The man caring for their babies make pancakes because the baby cries then the dog barks then the pancakes fluff. That is the theory of evolution.

What was Charles contribution in science?

Darwin's theory of evolution laid the foundation for all modern biology. It is the framework underpinning every discovery and all biological understanding. Evolution is to biology what the periodic table is to chemistry, the big bang is to cosmology, and plate tectonics is to geology. As Dobzhansky once said, "nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."

What sort of fish is known as a 'crappie'?

Another name for the crappie is the perch or white perch. They are relatively easy fish to catch with hook and bait. They are a white fish and popular to eat. Due to their tendency to overpopulate their waters, there is a high bag limit. This makes them a popular fish for those who fish for sport.

Which bird is known in Lincolnshire as the pyewipe?

It is the Lapwing also known as the Green Plover and also the Peewit. Pyewipe and Peewit being interpretations of the bird call it makes.

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How were Darwin Charles ideas received at the time?

With great criticism. Noone believed him at the time as well as now there are very few darwin enthusiasts. Everyone was under the impression we came from the "gods" while darwinism makes much more sense than us just "poofing" onto the planet

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I think it is Indonesia as the city Darwin makes it an Austrialan Gateway to countries such as Indonesia and East Timor.

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This question makes no sense, Charles Lindbergh was a person

Which scientist first put forward the theory that humans evolved from apes?

Charles Darwin is credited with first proposing the theory of evolution through natural selection in his book "On the Origin of Species" in 1859. This theory argues that all living species, including humans, share a common ancestor and have evolved over time.

What did Darwin do after the voyage?

After the voyage on the Beagle, Darwin edited and contributed to Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. As part of this work he met and corrosponded with most of the leading natural scientists of his time. His reputation grew largely out of this work.

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What is Dragi Jelic known for?

Dragi Jelic was born in 1947. He was born in Serbia. He is known as Serbian musician, a singer who is known for being in the band YU grupa, which was formed in 1970. The band is still active and makes recordings which are popular with their fans.