Tortoises, like all reptiles and other vertebrates, have bilateral symmetry. This means they have symmetry across one plane (known as the sagittal plane, and directly down the centre of their body), which means one side of their body approximately mirrors the other side.
it kind of means that Hermes is associated with the tortoise. he used it a shell of a tortoise to create a lyre (an instrument, like a harp) hope this helps..
The desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) is the kind of tortoise found in the Mojave Desert. This species is native to the southwestern United States and parts of Mexico. The desert tortoise is a protected species due to its vulnerable status in the wild.
Their early larvae have bilateral symmetry, but as they get bigger they develop fivefold symmetry. This is apparent in the regular sea urchins, that have roughly spherical bodies, with five equally sized parts radiating out from their central axes.
The tortoise you are referring to is likely the Texas tortoise (Gopherus berlandieri). They have a dark brown to black shell with yellow or red markings on the scutes, giving them a spotted appearance. Texas tortoises are native to southern Texas and northern Mexico.
Crabs have bilateral symmetry, meaning their bodies can be divided into two mirror-image halves along a central line. This symmetry allows for efficient movement in their aquatic environments.
The Galapagos tortoise
bilateral symmetry
Lateral Symmetry.
Bilateral symmetry
Radial Symmetry
turn symmetry
Bilateral symmetry.
Bilateral symmetry. All humans have bilateral symmetry.
radial symmetry
Radial Symmetry
Radial symmetry
An octopus has bilateral symmetry.