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Yes, it made out of cartilage just like sharks.

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Q: What kind of skeleton does a lamprey have?
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This structure is unique to the lamprey?

One unique structure of lampreys is their cartilaginous skeleton, which lacks true bones. This allows lampreys to be more flexible and agile in their movements compared to other vertebrates with a bony skeleton.

What kind of skeleton is a cheetah?

A cheetah has an endoskeleton, which is an internal skeleton.

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The boney kind.

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What kind of fish is a lampery?

The Lamprey is an eel-like shaped, jawless fish of the order Petromyzontiformes.

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Lex Lamprey's birth name is Alexander Jon Lamprey.

Animals that have a skeleton located on the outside of their body have what kind of skeleton?

This is called an exoskeleton.

What would fish look like if they belong to class Agnatha?

n. 1. a class of eel-shaped chordates with a cartilaginous skeleton lacking jaws, scales, and pelvic fins. Among these are the lampreys and hagfishes. There are some extinct forms.

What kind of skeleton does a cockroach?

It has an exoskeleton.

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What kind of skeleton does a dolphin have?

a spine?