Cleopatra, a white horse, was one of John Adams' horses. She was his favorite horse and he often rode her during his presidency. She was noted for her beauty and elegance.
Most likely an Appaloosa
They usually have a calm temperament.-ScarletChick on horse isle
The horse in the book "A Horse in the House" is a Palomino pony named Pumpkin. He is a mischievous and adventurous pony who creates chaos when he sneaks into the house.
a palamino quarterhorse
Mister Ed was a fictional character from a television show who was portrayed as a talking horse.
john adams had an affair with his brothers wife
brave, loyal, and kind
John and Abigail Adams moved into the White House on November 1, 1800. When they moved in the plaster, made with horse and hog hairs, was still drying and the lawn was overgrown with weed.
he liked opera
Dollar was an American Quarter Horse.
They were married and had 6 children.
Cleopatra rocked
None. The car had not yet been invented.
his style as characterized by Precision, Principle-seeking, Problem-solving, and Strong Will.
Cleopatra wore a uraeus of three cobras.
Cleopatra lived in her palace on the harbor of Alexandria.