Fish sticks are used with white fish meat such as cod. It is salmon yeha woo hoo fish fingers is whay your fingers turn into when you have done someate with your gf or your wife
He Revealed He Is Half Betta Fish.
You could use a big beetle, but the best kind of bait would be a small fish, such as a sardine, because tuna are big fish that eat smaller fish when in the wild.
It is not recommended for fish to eat baby turtle food as their nutritional needs are different. Fish require specific nutrients found in fish food for proper growth and health. Feeding fish turtle food can lead to nutrient deficiencies and health problems.
the Tripod fish is from the dinosaur age and is guessed to be in the Juarrassic period the tripod fish lives in deep sea areas
I'm sure you'll be able to find any kind of food you would want, from fish and chips, to tapas and hamburgers.
any fish they could find that was etable
i would say a gold fish because they dont get big
Since ichthyologist means the study of fish then it would be all fish.
it depends on the type of fish, you can generally find a special food made for your type of fish at the petstore.
You could wait and find out what kind of fish you catch
fat ones
Depends what size and kind of fish. Depending on this I would say between 3-6.
I think that fish would be a platy (pla-eye).