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segmented have lines in them and non dont.

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13y ago

Annelid worms are segmented , while round worms flat worms are non segmented .

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a smallest thing or food

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Q: What is unsegmented and segmented worm?
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Is a plume worm a segmented worm?

A Plume worm is a feather duster worm which is a category of segmented worms.

Why is the segmented worm important?

its an important worm\

Is a roundworm segmented?


Do mollusks and segmented worms have crops?

I know a segmented worm does.

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What are some of segmented worms?

I think an earth worm is a kind of segmented worm. It's not much but I hope it helped!

What do segmented worms?

well the segmented worm eats the earth worm. segmented worms eat at the end, that would be the butt the earth worm gets eaten buy pretty every animal on earth.

What do segmented worms eat?

well the segmented worm eats the earth worm. segmented worms eat at the end, that would be the butt the earth worm gets eaten buy pretty every animal on earth.

What is a flat worm?

A flatworm is an unsegmented worm that lives in water or shaded areas. Over half of the species is known as parasitic.

Facts about a segmented worm?

Segmented worms live in sea sponges.

What is a type of segmented worm?

An Earthworm

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