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The Brazilian wandering spider (Phoneutria) is known to have the most toxic spider venom in the world. Its venom can cause intense pain, muscle paralysis, and even death in severe cases.

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Q: What is the worlds most toxic spider venom?
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Why is the banana spider the deadliest spider in the world?

The banana spider, also known as the Brazilian wandering spider, is not the deadliest spider in the world. While their venom is potent, causing severe pain and potential complications, fatalities from their bites are rare. Other spiders, like the Sydney funnel-web spider or the Brazilian wandering spider, are considered more dangerous to humans in terms of venom toxicity.

What is the most poisones spider?

Brazilian Wandering Spider

Which spider is the most poisonous in the world?

The Sydney Funnel web spider is the most poisonous spider on earth, causes comas, seizures and death within the hour of the bite. Those who believe the wandering spider (or more officially, the banana spider) is the most venomous are incorrect and it is only reported the most dangerous because there are more reported bites, but it is not as venomous.The above statement is actually incorrect. The Brazilian Wandering spider's venom is far more potent then that of a Sydney Funnel-Web. It hosts a neurotoxin that is near-identical to the one of a King Cobra and can cause paralysis in a matter of minutes. Death in roughly an hour.The most defining difference in deadliness between the two spiders is the fact that there is a cure for the Sydney Funnel-Web spider's venom. While the is but only a treatment for the bite of a Brazilian Wandering spider. The Brazilian Wandering spider's venom can kill just as quickly as a Sydney Funnel-Web spider's venom can, but can also cause permanent damages.

Are woodlouse spiders dangerous?

While woodlouse spiders have venom and can bite if threatened, their venom is not considered dangerous to humans. Bites may cause localized pain and swelling, but typically do not result in serious effects. It's recommended to exercise caution and avoid handling these spiders to minimize the risk of being bitten.

How does a sea snake protect itself?

Sea snakes protect themselves by blending in with their environment using camouflage, as well as by having toxic venom to fend off predators. They may also use their speed and agility to evade threats.

Related questions

Why is the Brazilian Wandering Spider the most dangerous spider in the world?

These spiders are extremely aggressive have very toxic venom, which is both necrotic (causes tissue death) and neurotoxic (attacks nervous system). Most toxic spiders' venom is either necrotic or neurotoxic, not both.

Can you survive a Wolf Spider Bite?

Yes, most people do. The wolf spider, although it can reach a large size, does not have venom that is particularly toxic to humans.

Where is the worlds most lethal animal and what is it?

The worlds most lethal animal is the funnel web spider who lives (of course) in Australia! It is five times as venomous as a black widow spider and its venom can kill in less than half an hour.

Is the brazilian wandering spider dangerous?

Yes, the Brazilian Wandering Spider is actually VERY dangerous. Known to have the most toxic venom in the world. NEVER try to handle a Brazilian Wandering spider without a proffesional spider handler, or without Antovenom.

Why is the banana spider the deadliest spider in the world?

The banana spider, also known as the Brazilian wandering spider, is not the deadliest spider in the world. While their venom is potent, causing severe pain and potential complications, fatalities from their bites are rare. Other spiders, like the Sydney funnel-web spider or the Brazilian wandering spider, are considered more dangerous to humans in terms of venom toxicity.

Are daddy longlegs the poisonus spider in the world?

Daddy Longlegs has a highly toxic venom. However, to consider this spider as the most poisonus is similiar to the question of "If a tree falls in the woods and nobody hears it, does it make a noise? Well, daddy-o can't deliver his venom because his fangs are too small to inject it....usually---I did hear of one case concerning a small child but it may have been just a story...The venom effects from d-llgs on another insect is devastating..Most experts agree that the Brazilian bananna spider is probably the most toxic of them all. Whodge

Are banana spiders venomous?

"NO, I believe that the Black Widow is still the most dangerous" Incorrect, the banana spider, also known as the Brazilian wandering spider, is THE most deadly spider in the world. though the black widows venom is more toxic then rattlesnake venom, 0.006mg of banana spider venom WILL kil a 20g mouse. besides the funnel web spider kills more people and is more aggresive then the black widow.

Worlds most poisinos spider?

spiders are venomous.banana spider

Is a black and white lynx spider poisonous?

all spiders are venomous. but there are only two spiders in north America that have venom that can seriously harm a human, the black widow, and brown recluse, aka violin spider, and fiddleback. the green lynx spider is not venomous to humans though, but it does hurt to get bit!

Is a black and white spider poisonous?

No. Lynx Spiders are not poisonous. For instance, birds can eat them without any problem. Humans sometimes cook and eat tarantulas. Lynx spiders, and most other spiders, are venomous. If a lynx spider bites you it will inject some venom. This venom is toxic to humans but not so toxic as to make a lynx spider bite a medical problem.

What are some spiders that just bite?

No spider 'just bites'; if a spider bites, it injects some amount of venom, even if most of the time that venom is not poisonous to humans.

Who is the antagonist of spider man?

Then antagonist of spiderman is most likely venom