A hog sometimes makes a snorting sound, and sometimes makes a squealing sound.
The sound that a hog makes is called "oinking." It is a low, grunting noise typically made by pigs to communicate with each other.
McMurdo Sound
A beetle make a chirp sound .
The sound that a hog makes is called "oinking." It is a low, grunting noise typically made by pigs to communicate with each other.
The vowel sound in "hog" is a short "o" sound.
hog or pig!
What kind of question is that it makes no sense It would be different is it said. How well does a wild hog plays
Some words that have the same sound as "dog" include log, fog, frog, and hog.
Ground and spiced hog is delicious.
Is a pretty in heat pig that makes love to a hog 12 times a day.
sonic the hedgehog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, Yes, Sonic The Hedge Hog, But No Real Person can!
Where two words end with the same sound, like dog and hog and cat and bat.
Yes there's always a sound somewhere Like wind makes a sound cars makes a sound animals makes sound
the amplitude of a sound wave makes sound loudness and softer.. damping makes a sound weak and amplifying makes it strong